Factory Registers
- Date:
- 1938-1949
- Reference:
- WF/CW/03
- Part of:
- Wellcome Foundation Ltd
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
The General Register is composite, sometimes including a Registers of Young Persons, the Register of Persons Employed in Painting Buildings, a list of accidents and boiler certificates. Sections completed within these registers are noted at item level.
Where the sections have been completed, information recorded is a follows:
Records date, cause, name, age, employment, occupation at time of accident, nature of injury and time off work.
Records date of treatment, area and treatment.
Register records employee number, name, address, employment dates.
Young persons:
record the employee number, name, address, employment dates [often date of leaving not completed], date of birth, signature of examining surgeon and date of signature.
Physical description
Appraisal note
General Register for Building Operations - no entries, July 1938
7 blank Registers of Young Persons