A warning about AIDS and drugs; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [STOP AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.

[between 1990 and 1999]
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view A warning about AIDS and drugs; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [STOP AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.

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A warning about AIDS and drugs; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [STOP AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph. In copyright. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work


[Berne, Switzerland?] : L'Office fédéral de la santé publique, [between 1990 and 1999]

Physical description

1 print : Lithograph, printed in colours ; sheet 27.7 x 59.7 cm


SIDA: renoncez à vous injecter des drogues. Ou alors n'utilisez que des seringues stériles. Seringues stériles: en vente dans toutes les pharmacies. STOP SIDA. Mise en garde de l'Office fédéral de la santé publique: la consommation de drogues met votre santé en danger et entraîne des sanctions pénales. Seiler DDB Needham/cR. Translation of text: AIDS: it is better never to inject drugs. But if, then clean. Clean syringes are available in every pharmacy. Stop AIDS. Warning of the Federal Office of Public Health: The use of drugs endangers your health and is punishable by law. Logo: 'Stop AIDS' includes a condom within the 'o' of stop

Creator/production credits

Seiler DDB is the Swiss branch of the international advertising company DDB Worldwide


Wellcome Collection 674562i

Copyright note

Seiler DDB [Swiss branch of advertising company DDB Worldwide - designer] l'Office fédéral de la santé publique 199- l'Office fédéral de la santé publique, [199-] Switzerland 10/03/2009 UkLW Transcription from the item



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