Unpublished papers, lectures, etc: undated items

Part of:
Michael Fordham
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


/1 'Acting Out'

/2 'Actions of the Self: corrected copy' 2 versions ('published in The Book of the Self)

/3 'Analytical Psychology'

/4 'Analytical Psychology' [a different paper]

/5 'Analyst and Priest'

/6 'Analyst and Scientist'

/7 'Analyst-Patient Interaction'

/8 'A Basic Pattern of Childhood and its social implications'

/9 'Countertransference and Interaction'

/10 'Definition and contents of the Transference'

/11 'Developments in Analytical Psychology'

/12 'The Development of Analytical Psychology in Great Britain'

/13 'Dora 1905'

/14 'Ego and Self by an existentialist at SF Symposium' 1st p missing

/15 'Ending Psychotherapy'

/16 'Experience and propositions'

/17 'Experiences in child analytic therapy'

/18 'The Flare in Lesions of the Nervous System: A Clinical Study'

/19 'Identification' [2 versions]

/20 'Interpretation'

/21 'Interpretation' ('Int.1')

/22 'Interpretation'

/23 'The Interpretation of a child's pictures in childhood'

/24 'Introduction - Hostel'

/25 'Jung, Carl Gustav'

/26 'C. G. Jung: The Incomplete Analysis of an Analyst' 'Given to 63 Club'

/27 'The management of the transference with particular reference to its use of the myths'

/28 'The Mind of the Child in Pictures'

/29 'Narcissism'

/30 'The nature of the unconscious'

/31 'Notes on C[hild] Analysis'

/32 'Notes towards the [words illegible] the Model'

/33 'On Narcissism, etc'

/34 'On the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious'

/35 'Perspectives'

/36 'The Place of Painting and Drawing in Child Therapy'

/37 'The place of theory in analytic practice'

/38 'The principles of analytic psychotherapy in childhood'

/39 'Psychiatry and dynamic psychology'

/40 'Psychiatry the last resort'

/41 'Research in AP [analytical psychology]'

/42 'Short Psychotherapy. To open discussion of Malan's paper at RMPA [Royal Medico-Psychological Association]'

/43 'Some comments on transference and counter-transference'

/44 'Some personal reflections'

/45 'Synopsis of first paper in the Seminar at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Draft'

/46 'Virtue and Evil in Modern Psychology' ('Chapter 9')

/47 'What has happened to psychoanalysis?'

/48 'Why discipline?'

Untitled/incomplete papers:

/49 'A psychiatrist in a mental hospital is in a difficult position...'

/50 'In such cases one is frequently faced with a critical situation...'

/51 'The case is of a small child who has recently started school...'

/52 'Jung has made us familiar with the idea that the unconscious contains transpersonal components'

/53 'Having agreed to talk to you tonight on my personal experience of C. G. Jung...'

/54 'Many years ago now, in 1910, Jung published "Psychic Conflicts in a Child"...'

/55 'First of all I want to express my regret at not being present in person...'

/56 ts beginning at p 7 (renumbered as 14) 'at any rate it disappears never to return.'



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3 files

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    Closed stores

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