
20th century
Part of:
Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Photographs: Individuals. Detailed list

Colonel A Alcock CIE, FRS

2 Arthur G Bagshawe

3-5 Sir John Boyd [2 prints, 1 neg]

6 L Brumpt

7 Dr Charles Wilberforce Daniels, Superintendent of the London School of Tropical Medicine

8 Lt Colonel Drew, Hon Secretary 1945-1946

9 Sir Neil Hamilton Fairley, with letter from Lady Hamilton Fairley, 1981

10-11 L G Goodwin in President’s regalia

12 Dr Harford, Hon Secretary 1907-1921

13-14 R T Leiper [2 prints, one dated 21.12.38]

15 Dr R Lewthwaite

16-17 Dr G Carmichael Low

18 W H R Lumsden

19 B G Maegraith

20 Sir James Michelli

21 Dr H B Newham CMG, former Director of the London School of Tropical Medicine, aged 82

22 Professor G H F Nuttall, FRS, Quick Professor of Biology, University of Cambridge. Photograph of portrait by de Lazlo 1923

23 E Pavlovsky

24 Dr G Basil Price, Hon Secretary 1921-1922

25 Dr Edmond Sergent being presented the Manson Medal by Sir George McRobert, the President

26 Sergent with his wife

27-29 W J Simpson [2 prints, 1 neg]

30 Dr Hugh Hollingsworth Smith, Rockefeller Foundation

31 N H Swellengrebel

32-33 W H Taliaferro, 1952, 1967

34 Médecin-General M A Vaucel, 1970

35 Bernard Broughton Waddy (1911-1981)

36 A J Walker, 1954

37 Dr C M Wenyon, Hon Secretary 1920-1945

38 Charles Wilcocks (1896-1977), Director, Bureau of Hygiene, 1942-1961, President of RSTMH 1963-65


20th century

Physical description

5 files

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    Closed stores

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