Publications by McDougall (collaborative)

Part of:
Papers of Dr Colin McDougall (1924-2006)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Rees RJ, McDougall AC, Weddell AG. The nose in mice with experimental human leprosy. Leprosy Review 1974 Jun; 45 (2) : 112-20; McDougall AC, Rees RJ, Weddell AG, Kanan MW. The histopathology of lepromatous leprosy in the nose. Journal Pathol 1975 Apr; 115 (4) : 215-26; Rendall JR, McDougall AC, Willis LA. Intra-oral temperatures in man with special reference to involvement of the central incisors and premaxillary alveolar process in lepromatous leprosy. Int J Lepr 1976 Oct-Dec; 44 (4) : 462-8; Rendall JR, McDougall AC. Reddening of the upper central incisors associated with periapical granuloma in lepromatous leprosy. Br J Oral Surg 1976 Mar; 13 (3) : 271-7; McDougall AC, Salter DC. Thermography of the nose and ear in relation to the skin lesions of lepromatous leprosy, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis, and lupus pernio. J Invest Dermatol 1977 Jan; 68 (1) : 16-22; McDougall AC. The nasal excretion of leprosy bacilli. Lepr Rev 1978 Dec; 49 (4) : 265-7; Cologlu AS, McDougall AC, Parker MJ. Skin temperatures of the normal arm, hand and fingers in relation to the distribution of bacilli in lepromatous leprosy. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 1981 Jul; 6 (4) : 379-84;

A colour photograph of a smear of a nasal mucus and a diagram 'Escape routes of bacilli through the nasal mucous membrane'.



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