General Correspondence

Part of:
West, Robert George Ranyard (1900-1986)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


From general correspondence files maintained by RRW and kept in the original date sequences. It includes correspondence on his medical and pharmacological and political/philosophical interests, and with friends who were also colleagues or shared these interests, patients who became friends, etc. On the whole within this classification letters on personal matters forming part of such a correspondence have been left in this group rather than break up a sequence.

Family letters, correspondence of purely personal interest, business and financial material, and letters relating to West's mountaineering and sailing activities have been returned to his family.

A few items found in these general correspondence files have been reassigned to other sections of the collection as appropriate.



Physical description

66 Files


Index to correspondents

The following individuals or bodies occur as correspondents within this section of the archive: each entry gives the reference of the file in which they are found.

Acta Psychotherapeutica & Psychosomatica: I A R Hohberger, Sec B.48
Adrian, E D (Lord) B.1, 39, 50
Aitken, Prof A C B.18
Alexander, Dr F B.25
Alkahest Celebrity Bureau, Atlanta, Georgia: R Bridges, Manager B.25
Allen, C K B.18
Allen, Dr C B.8, 14
Allport, Prof G W B.32
Alvarez, Dr W C B.18, 25
Anderson, W V B.18
Andrew, K B.8
Andrews, E J B.39
Applecross (Medical Practice) B.25
Arnott, Prof W Melville B.32
Ascher B.25
Bakhole B.8
Bale and Danielsson B.8
Balliol College, Assistant Librarian B.29
Balliol College: R V Broadley, Sec B.32
Barnaby, Dr: New York Botanical Garden B.66
Barnard, K B.27
Barts B.6, 39, 57
Bateson, G B.14
Bauer, W B.8
Bax, R E V B.1,B.8
Baxter, Prof R R B.44, 50, 61
Baxter, R & H B.32, 39
Bazelon, D L B.32
Beaverbrook, Lord B.8
Bebr, G B.39
Beit Memorial Fellowships B.1, 9
Bellon, L B.61
Beloff, M B.39, 44
Bennett, E A B.44
Berman, H B.39, 44, 66
Bevan, Prof J C B.66
Beveridge, Sir W B.14
Bickerton, R E B.8, 14
Bisschop, W R (Grotius Society) B.14
Blake, R B.50
Blythe Brooke, C O S B.32, 50
Blythe-Brooke, C O S & N B.39
Bolton, R (article) B.61
Boulding, Prof K R B.44
Bovet, P B.44
Brain, (Sir W Russell) Lord B.1,B.25,B.57
Bremer, Dr F B.1, 8
Brent, A Rodriguez B.32
Brewer, W B.8
Bridges, R B.25
Brierley, Prof J L B.18
Briscoe, Lady G B.8, 50
British Journal of Medical Psychology B.30, 37
British Medical Association B.25
British Medical Journal B.11, 18
British Museum, Department of Ceramics and Ethnography B.1
Broadhurst, A B.54
Broadley, R V B.32
Broon, H B.8
Burn, J H B.8, 39
Burn, J H & E B.61
Burroughs Wellcome and Co B.7
Bush, Prof I B.44
Byk-Guldenwerke, and other German firms supplying curare B.8
Cairns, H B.9
California, University of B.25
Callander, T B.18
Cameron, J B.44
Campbell, A H (Prof) B.25, 50
Canada (from 1945) B.25
Canadian Anaesthetists Society B.19
Cape, Messrs Jonathan B.14
Caplan, G B.14
Cardew, B B.22
Carmichael, E A & J B.57
Carnegie Corporation of New York B.25
Carr, E H B.14
Carr, F I B.14, 18, 25
Carstairs, Prof G M B.50
Catlin, G B.14
Cattell, R B B.18, 25
Cavers, D F B.32, 44
Cecil, Lord D B.2
Chamberlain, W R: Friends of Vellore B.32
Chicago, University of: Radio Office B.29
Chisholm, B, WHO B.18
Civil Service Commission (from 1946) B.25
Clarke, Dr E B.39
Clarke, T N B.9
Cochrane, R G B.32
Cochrane, T S B.18, 61
Cohn, N B.44
Collier, J B.2
Colombian Legation: Sr A Ramos Urdaneta B.9
Comfort, A B.18, 39
Connors, Mrs B J: University of California B.25
Cooper, S B.2
Cowell, F R B.43
Craig, J B.9
Creed, T V S B.18
Creyke, T B.9
Crisp, G B.25
Critchley, M B.9
Crittall, G & E B.39
Crossman, R H B.25
Cullen, Dr B.25
Cullinan, Dr E R B.25
Daley, C B.27
Darling, Dr J S B.9
Davey, J B B.9
David, Dr A B.2
Davies, David, Memorial Institute of International Studies B.33
Davies, Lord (New Commonwealth) B.15
Davies, N W G of Siebe-Gorman B.9
Davis, A B.58
Davis, T A W & P B.61
Day, G B.19
Denny-Brown, Prof D B.19, 33
Dicks, H V B.2, 19
Dixon, W E B.2
Donald, K B.58
Donnelly, R C B.33
Dott, N M B.19
Douthwaite, A H B.19
Dowdall, H L B.19
Dreadnaught Medical Council B.14
Drever, Prof J, Snr and Jnr B.15
Dripps, Prof R D B.33
Ducke, Prof A B.9
Duke-Elder B.2
Dunbar, F B.19
Dunlop, Prof Sir D B.19, 33, 44
Dyott, G M B.2
E[unknown], A P B.19
Editors: Letters to B.54
Eedy, Dr B.9
Ehrenzweig, Prof A A B.26
Eighty Club B.19
Einstein, Prof A B.15
Elliott, T R: Beit Memorial Fellowships B.9
Elstowe, Miss G B.9
Elwood, L R B.15
Emerson Books Inc B.26
Emerson, R B.33
Ethics B.15, 26
Evans, Dr F F T B.33
Fairbairn, R B.33, 45
Farquharson, A B.24
Ferguson, Prof J H B.42
Fielder, H G B.10
Florey, H W B.10
Flugel, J C B.19
Foot, N B, David Davies Memorial Institute of International Studies B.33
Foregger, Dr R B.26
Foreign Office B.3
Fortuyn, Dr J Broogleever B.33
Fox, Dr T F B.51, 62
Frank, Judge J N B.33
Franklin, J L B.3
Franklin, K J Prof B.10, 26
Fraser, F R B.3
Freedman, Dr L Z B.34, 39, 45
Freedman, Prof L Z & M B.62
Freyburg, Freiherr V B.10
Friends of Vellore B.32
Frosch J: Journal of the American Psychoanalytical Association B.45, 51
Frost, D P B.51
Fulton B.3
Fulton, J F B.10
Fyleman, E B.10
Gaddum, J H B.39
Galbraith, V G B.39
Garnham, M B.39
Garnham, P C C and M B.10
Garnham, Prof P C C B.3, 15, 34, 51, 63
Gask, G E B.3
Gellhorn, K B.51
Gemma: The River B.45
Giles, Dr J A B.3, 10
Gill, R C B.19
Gillett, N B.39, 45
Glegg, Dr B.10
Glover, A S B B.36
Godward, R B B.63
Golla, F B.3, 10
Gray, T C B.19
Gray, Uncle M B.3, 10, 63
Gray, W B.63
Green, F H K B.10, 11
Greene, Dr R B.34
Greenfield, J G B.10
Gregory, Prof J W B.3
Gregory, U J B.3
Griff, J B.45
Griffiths, H R: President, Canadian Anaesthetists Society B.19
Grotius Society B.14
Gunn, Prof J A B.3
Hadfield, J A B.15
Halliday, J L B.19
Halm, G B.34, 40
Halton, J B.19
Hamburg Psychosomatic Conference (Notes for Lectures) B.46
Hamill B.4
Hamilton, J G M B.19,B.26
Hamilton-Crothers, A B.11
Hancock, Prof M B.26
Hartridge, H & K B.40
Hartridge, K B.51
Hartridge, Sir H., H.4 B.10, 59
Hayek, F A B.15
Haynes, F B.10
Hayward, B B.26
Hazell, K B.40
Headway B.4, 10
Heatson, [?]M B B.26
Heinemann, Messrs W Ltd B.40
Henderson, Prof D K B.15
Hendon, MOH of B.4
Henry and Jouvelet B.10
Hetherington, Sir H B.40
Hewlett, R T B.10
Hill, A V B.4
Hill, Sir A (Kew Gardens) B.10
Hill, W P: Ohio State Law Journal B.34
Hinglais, H B.10
Hingston, Major R W E B.4
Hinks, A R B.4
Hinsley, Prof F H B.51, 63
Hohberger, I A R B.48
Hohnhold, F B.10
Holmes, Dr G B.4
Holzer, Prof W B.19
Homes, Dr G (editor, Brain) B.10
Hourani, Prof G F B.40, 51, 54, 58, 63
Hudson, P B.63
Hulimann, Prof A B.65
Hume Society B.20
Humphrey, G B.26
Hunter, Miss E A G B.4
Huxley, Sir J B.40
Ing, H R B.4, 40
Institut Voor Volkenpsychologie: Dr Fur Zeylmans van Emichoven, Chairman B.24
Institute of International Studies B.33
Institute of Sociology: A Farquharson, Sec B.24
International Society for Significs B.38
Iraqi Legation B.11
Jackson, J B.20
James, H & D & family B.64
Jenkins, R B.54
Jinks, J C B.4
Joad, C E M B.11
Jones, D Caradog: World Unity Movement B.20
Journal of American Psychoanalyical Association B.45
Joyce, J Avery: World Unity Movement B.20
Jung, Prof C G B.26
Katz, W B.20
Kauders, Prof O B.20
Kay, J: editor, St Bartholomew's Hospital Journal B.58
Kelson, Prof K B.20
Kemp-Smith, N B.16
Kendel, P. B.54
Kennan, Prof G B.34, 41
Kennard, Miss M A B.34
Kennedy, A B.11
Kerr, J W B.46
Kessler, E B.41
Kew Gardens Herbarium B.12
Keynes, Sir G B.64
Kilvert, E B.26
Kirketup, P B.46, 52, 55
Klaber, Dr M R B.52
Klineberg, Prof B.20, 26
Kluver, H B.26, 34, 46
Knox, Prof T M B.20
Koehler, H F, Verlag Stuttgart B.26
Kraemer, Dr W P B.41
Kruseman, W M B.24
Labia, J B.52, 55
Lamaison, A B.60
Lamb, M C N B.21
Langdon-Brown, W B.16
Lansbury, G B.16
Lasswell, Prof H D B.27, 47
Laurent, Dr L B B.21
Lauterpacht, Prof H B.21, 35
Lawrance, A E B.5
Lawrence, R D B.5
Leavy, Dr S A B.47, 64
Lehman, J B.60
Lellington, Cdr A B.27
Lentz, T F B.27, 35, 47
Levin, Dr B.21
Liddell, E G T B.5, 35, 41
Lindahl, J W S B.11
Lindsay, A D: Sec, A Hamilton-Crothers B.11
Lindsay, Lord B.21
Lloyd-George, D B.16
Logan, R F C B.21
London School of Economics B.21
Lonsdale, K B.35
Ludweig, F B B.21
Mabbott, J W B.22
MacCurdy, J J B.16
MacDonald, I B.35
MacFadyan, J A B.5, 16
MacFadyen, A B.11
Macfarlane, R G B.64, 66
MacGregor, E B B.5
MacKenzie, M B.16
MacMurray, Prof J B.27
Mahfouz, Dr B.22
Manning, C A W B.16, 22, 35, 60
Martin, J Purdon B.64
Mathews, B B.6
Maxwell, I B.11
Mayer-Gross, W B.35
McCallum, R B B.60
McCance, Prof R A B.5, 11, 22, 27, 35, 41, 47, 52, 55, 60, 64
McDougal, M S B.27
McDuffy, D B.41
McInnes, R G M B.52
McIntyre, Dr A R B.27, 47, 64
McIntyre, Prof A K B.35, 41
McKeown, Prof T B.41
McLachlin, Dr A B.27
McLardy, T B.41
McMichael, Prof J B.41
McNay, M G B.63
McSwiney, Prof B A B.5
Medical Research Council enc. Mather B.6
Medical Research Council: F H K Green, Finance Officer B.11
Medical Research Council: Prof H Himsworth B.35
Medical Unit, Barts B.6
Michigan, University of B.41
Millard, O E B.11
Milnikel, R S B.41
Mitchell, J D B B.52
Mitchiner, O H B.11
Mitramy, Prof B.22
Mohsin, S N B.22
Mollison, P L B.22
Moore, D B.47
Moore, W Harvey B.22, 41
Morgenthau, Prof H J B.47
Morin, A J B.39
Morlock, H V B.11
Munroe, Dr D S: Vancouver Medical Association B.41
Myers, C S B.22
Narayan, R V B.27
Nattrass, Prof F J B.23, 42
Neild, R B.52
Nelson, H P B.12
New Education Fellowship: C Soper, Sec B.23
New York Botanical Gardens B.12, 66
Newton, W M B.23, 42
Nicholas, H G B.23, 42
Noel-Baker B.42
Norton, W.W. & Co: K Barnard B.27
Nuffield Foundation: L Farrer Brown B.42
Nuffield Nursing Homes Trust B.55
Nursing Times: M L Wenger B.27
O'Brien, R A B.7
Ogg, A B.6
Ohio State Law Journal B.34
Ohio State Law Journal: W R Hapner, Editor in Chief B.27
Onions, Dr B.12
Oppen, B R V B.52
Organe, Dr G B.23
Parkinson, T B.23
Parry, Prof G B.56, 65
Pearce, Miss M B.6, 17, 23, 29, 36, 42, 53, 56, 60, 65
Penguin Books Ltd. B.42
Penguin Books Ltd.: A S B Glover B.36
Penguin Books Ltd.: H Summers B.29
Pennsylvania State College: L B Schwartz, Law School B.42
Pennsylvania State College: Prof J H Ferguson B.42
Penrose, Prof L S B.36
Perry, C B.15
Petschek, M B.17
Physiological Society B.23
Pilgrim, J E B.42
Platt, Sir R B.48
Pollard, R B.17
Porter, R B.53
Potter, R B.29
Pound, Dean R B.29, 48
Price, Prof H H B.23
Pringle, W Henderson (New Commonwealth Society) B.23, 29
Probst, G C: University of Chicago Radio Office B.29
Psychosomatic Medicine: R Potter, Managing Editor B.29
Pye, Miss E M B.6
Pye, R B.17
Quinn, V: Balliol College Assistant Librarian B.29
Ramos-Urdaneta, A B.9
Rationalist Press Association B.23
Reichel, E B.12
Reid B.6
Reid, Dr G B.23
Rice, H B.6
Richards, Dr A B.17, 23, 36
Richards, F A & I B.49
Richardson, S A B.42
Ritchie, Russell W B.23
Ritter, Prof G B.49
Roberts, M B.12
Robertson, G G B.23, 30, 36, 49
Robson, W M B.12
Roche 1979-1981: Prof A Hulimann B.65
Rockefeller Foundation (1952-1954) B.36
Roden, N J B.6
Rodger, D G B.17
Rodger, T Ferguson B.30, 36
Rose, M: Whitney Foundation B.36
Ross, Sir J Paterson B.42
Rostow, E V B.36, 42, 56
Roth, Prof M B.53
Royal Society B.6
Royal Society of Medicine B.6
Rushton, W A H B.6, 12, 56
Ryle, J A B.17, 23
Ryu, P B.43
Sampson, H H B.7
Sandler, J: British Journal of Medical Psychology B.37
Sargent, Rev W E B.24
Savory and Moore B.7
Sayre, Prof P B.17, 30
Scarborough, Prof H B.37
Schwartz, L B B.42
Schwarzenberger, Dr G B.37
Scott, D B.49
Scott, R B B.12
Seamen's Hospital B.56
Seltz, J F B.12
Shackleton-Fergus, L B.56
Shameen, Dr S M B.37, 43
Sharp, J: Chandler Publishing Co B.49, 53
Sharp, Prof M, 1948-1956 B.38, 43, 53
Sheldon, Dr J H B.30, 37, 43
Sherrington, Sir C S B.7
Siebe Gorman and Co Ltd B.9, 12
Silving, H B.38, 43
Silving-Ryu, H B.60
Singh, Dr H B.30
Smirk, F H B.43
Smith, A C (New York Botanical Gardens) B.12
Smith, A Crawford B.43
Smith, H B.30
Smith, J B Gurney B.60
Smith, K L M B.7
Smith, M B B.37
Smith, Prof S B.30
Smith, Sir J B.7
Smith, T B B.37
Sohn, Prof L B B.43, 60
Soper, C B.23
Spaeth, R B.12
St Bartholomew's Hospital B.39, 57
St Bartholomew's Hospital Journal B.38
Standish, F B.12
Stephens, A B.12
Stephenson, W B.17
Stewart, Dr A B.24
Stone, J B.43
Strong, J D B.7
Sturges, W A B.30
Summers B.29
Sundell, C E B.17, 43
Sutherland, Dr J D: editor British Journal of Medical Psychology B.30
Swiney, T S B.43
Synthese: W M Kruseman, ed B.24
The Guardian B.45
The Lancet B.5, 11, 33, 39
The Listener B.35, 41
The Manchester Guardian B.35, 41
The Medical World: B Cardew ed B.22
The Observer: C Daley B.27, 47
The Scotsman B.17
The Spectator B.17
The Times B.17
Third European Conference for Psychosomatic Research B.43
Thomas, M B.60
Thomson, A Landsborough (MRC) B.13, 31
Thorn, Dr P A: B P Hemming Secretary B.60
Thornton, J L B.49
Thornton, J W B.13
Thorpe, B B.13
Thrower, W R B.24
Tidy, H Leathaby B.7
Tracey, B M B.56
Trevan, J B.7, 13, 24, 31
Truelove, S B.49
Underhill B.13
UNESCO National Committee for the UK: F R Cowell B.43
University of Chicago Press: A J Morin (1953-1959) B.39
Urquhart, D A B.43
Van Wagenan B.31
Veale, D B.24
Verney, E B B.13
Waheed, Dr J B B.53
Walker, J M B.66
Walsh, A St G B.31, 43
Walshe, Dr F M R B.7
Waltjen, K B.13
Wates, G F B.17, 37
Watkins, H G B.13
Watts, F W & J B.49
Weaver, Dr M M, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia B.31
Wellcome Physiological Research Labs B.24
Wellcome Research Foundation B.31
Wells, H G B.13
Welsford, Major B.7
Wenger, M L B.27
Westby, Prof G B.53
Whitehead, W (1948-1957) B.43
Whiteside, F B.43
Whitney Foundation B.36
Whitty, Dr C W M B.24, 43
Who's Who B.60
Williams, C O B.13
Williams, R H B.13
Wilson, J G B.24
Winton, F R B.13
Woodard, W A B.13
Woods, B R B.13
Woolmer B.13
Workers Education Association B.43
World Unity Movement B.20
Wright, H B.13
Wright, L (Mrs Q) B.56
Wright, Prof Q B.43
Wright, Q & N B.53
Wright, S B.13
Wright, Sir A B.7
Wright, W B.49
Wuseer, K B.13
Yale University B.43
Yarmolinsky, A: Doubleday and Co Inc. B.43
Zahle, Dr V: General Secretary, 3rd European Conference for Psychosomatic Research B.43
Zangwill, O B.60, 65

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