Offprints of articles, 1919-1926

Part of:
Rogers, Sir Leonard
  • Archives and manuscripts

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E.99 "Colloid antimony sulphide intravenously in kala-azar; with a note on antimony oxide orally" The Lancet, 29 Mar 1919
E.100 "Sodium morrhuate in the treatment of tuberculosis" with clinical notes by Dr E Muir, Capt R Knowles, Lt Col ANR Cochrance, Dr Caleb Davies and Major CS Brierley Indian Journal of Medical Research, Special Indian Science Congress number 1919
E.101 "Further experience of sodium hydnocarpate (sodium gynocardate A) and a trial of sodium morrhuate in leprosy" with notes of cases by Jogesh Chandra Mukerjee Indian Medical Gazette, Vol LIV No 5, May 1919
E.102 "Notes on leprosy cases treated by subcutaneous and intravenous injections of sodium morrhuate" Indian Medical Gazette, Vol LIV No 6, Jun 1919
E.103 "A note of sodium morrhuate in tuberculosis" British Medical Journal, 8 Feb 1919
E.104 "The treatment of leprosy" Indian Medical Gazette, Vol LV No 4, Apr 1920
E.105 Presidential address, Sixth Indian Science Congress Cholera researches Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal (new series) Vol XV No 4, 1919
E.106 "Further work on antimony intravenously in filariasis" British Medical Journal, 1 May 1920
E.107 President"s address, Section of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology, Royal Society of Medicine Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1921 Vol XIV
E.108 "Note on "defatting" of the acid-fast bacilli of leprosy and tubercle by injections of chaulmoogrates and morrhuates" British Medical Journal, 7 July 1923
E.109 "Treatment of asthma by autogenous streptococcal vaccines" British Medical Journal, 16 July 1921
E.110 "The application to tuberculosis of the successful treatment of leprosy by soluble preparations of chaulmoogra, cod liver and other oils" British Journal of Tuberculosis, nd
E.111 "On amoebic liver abscess: its pathology, prevention and cure" being the Lettsomian Lectures delivered before the Medical Society of London on January 30th and February 8th and 20th, 1922
E.112 "An address on the spread, probable mode of infection and prophylaxis of leprosy" British Medical Journal, 24 Jun 1922
E.113 "Recent advances towards the solution of the leprosy problem" Journal of the Royal Society of Arts No 3678 Vol LXXI, 18 May 1923
E.114 "Distribution de la lepre dans le monde at ses rapports avec l"humiditie Traitement de la lepre par injections de preparations solubles d"huile de chaulmoogra, d"huile de foie de morue et de differentes huiles; leur mode d"action Situation actuelle de la prophylaxie de la lepre dans les colonies britanniques" Extrait: III Conference Internationale de la Lepre, Strasbourg, 28-31 Juillet 1923
E.115 "The incubation period of leprosy" Indian Medical Gazette, Vol LXIV 2 Feb 1924
E.116 "Recent leprosy research and its bearing on the tuberculosis problem" Glasgow Medical Journal, March 1924
E.117 "Croonian Lectures: On researches into leprosy and their bearing on the treatment of tuberculosis IV: The use of chaulmoogrates and morrhuates in the treatment of tuberculosis" The Lancet, 28 Jun 1924
E.118 "Tuberculosis incidence and climate in India; rainfall and wet winds" British Medical Journal, 7 Feb 1925
E.119 "Relationship between pneumonia incidence and climate in India" The Lancet 6 Jun 1925
E.120 "Climate and disease, incidence in India; with special reference to leprosy, phthisis, pneumonia and smallpox" Journal of State Medicine, Vol XXXIII No 11, Nov 1925
E.121 "The conditions influencing the incidence and spread of cholera in India" Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 1926 Vol XIX



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