The graves open on the day of judgement; Christ, apostles and female saints look on. Engraving after M. Heemskerck, 1564.

  • Heemskerk, Martin van, 1498-1574.
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Bible. N.T. Revelation; Matthew 24. The ranks are divided into left and right, saved and damned. On the right hand side, devils prod the unruly mass into rank and file. In the middle, hybrids of skeleton and human emerge from the ground. Around Christ, the large figure in the foremost circle of heaven, the apostles (bearing their symbolic attributes) are ranged on the right, while on the right are some female figures of Christianity: Catherine of Alexandria with her wheel, Mary Magdalene with her jar of ointment, the Virgin. On this side of Christ a cherub holds a reed; on the side of the apostles, one holds a sword


[Netherlands] : H. Cock excude, 1564.

Physical description

1 print : line engraving


Sic ergo erit uidere, sese mutuo. Opulentiam, superbiam, invidiæ luem/ Inopiam, tapinophrosynen, atque opum ... Lettering continues: "Pacem parentem uelut in orbem consequi,/ Supremus orbi donec ingruet dies:/ Cum patre natus de deo idem homo et deus.// Feret ultimam aequus arbiter sententiam/ Rebusque finem ponet et regnum patri/ Restituet ante a patre creditum sibi, UT UNUS OMNIA IN OMNIBUS FIAT DEUS. M.Hemskerck inve. H. Cock excude" Bears number: 9


Wellcome Collection 25148i



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