The Wellcome Foundation Ltd Annual Report and Accounts

Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

Collection contents

About this work


The Wellcome Foundation financial year ran 1 Sept to 31 August. The series ends in 1994: in 1995 Wellcome merged with Glaxo. The Glaxo Wellcome Annual Reports are available in the Library.

The Report and Accounts change in content over time:

* From the 1952/53 the reports contain the Chairman's Review - in effect a summary of the year.

* Between 1959 and 1961 this was produced as a separate booklet and the entry in the Report is shorter.

* From 1965 onwards the reports list the principal subsidiaries of WF.

* From 1968 to 1975 graphs re R&D and total staff employed are provided. Post 1975 details of R&D spend are sometimes given as part of the Chairman's Review.

* 1984 onwards: directors are listed together with their responsibilities and 1985 onwards include photographs.



Physical description

44 items

Copyright note

Copyright assigned to the Wellcome Trust

Appraisal note

Originally the collection contained several incomplete sets of Annual Report and Accounts. These have been combined and duplicates deaccessioned. The various different references have been preserved in the Previous Numbers field, regardless of whether that exact copy has been retained. The copies were all identical and not annotated.

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