M0001849: Photographic portrait of Major Walter Reed, M.D. (1851-1902), U.S. Army physician

April 1931
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view M0001849: Photographic portrait of Major Walter Reed, M.D. (1851-1902), U.S. Army physician

Public Domain Mark

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M0001849: Photographic portrait of Major Walter Reed, M.D. (1851-1902), U.S. Army physician. Public Domain Mark. Source: Wellcome Collection.

About this work

Also known as

Previous title, replaced May 2020: Portrait of Major W. Reed.


Black and white reproduction of a photographic portrait of Major Walter Reed, M.D. (1851-1902), U.S. Army physician, from 1901. Major Reed led the team that confirmed the theory of the Cuban doctor Carlos Finlay that yellow fever is transmitted by a particular mosquito species, rather than by direct contact. The original portrait was created from a photograph taken in 1901, when Reed was aged 50.


April 1931

Physical description

1 photograph glass plate negative; 16.5 x 12 cm


Catalogue data comes from a combination of entries in the original glass plate registers, metadata created when the glass plates were digitised in the early 2000s and enhancements made by the cataloguer in 2020.

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Please consult the digitised version as this item is fragile. Email library@wellcomecollection.org to request access to the physical item.

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