Medical treatises based on the practice of Barbeyrac: by an anonymous pupil

Late 17th century
Part of:
Barbeyrac, Charles (1629-1699), physician, Montpellier.
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Medical treatises based on the practice of Charles Barbeyrac, written by an anonymous pupil, containing some case histories and prescriptions.

ff. 4r.-51v. 'observations sur les fievres selon M.B.'.

ff. 25r.-67v. 'traité des maux veneriens'

ff. 68r.-69v. blank.

ff. 70r.-78v. 'de hygine et Dioeta [sic], tractatus primus'.

ff. 79r.-89r. 'tractatus secundus; de affectibus articulorum'.

ff. 89v.-91v. blank.

ff. 92r.-225v. 'historia generalis morborum', comprising.

ff. 92r.-136r. 'tractatus primus; de morbis capitis'.

ff. 136r.-158r. 'tractatus secundus; de mobis [sic] pectoris'.

ff. 158r.-225v. 'tractatus tertius; de morbis Infimi ventris'.

ff. 226r.-228r. table of contents of 'historia generablis morborum' (ff. 92r.-225v. above).

In French, but with some titles and prescriptions in Latin.


Late 17th century

Physical description

230 ff. (original pagination 1-96, 1-269 and unnumbered) 1 vol., 160 × 115 mm. Contemporary, brown leather binding, with gilt spine, lettered 'traite de medecin' Ownership inscription (f. 1r.) obliterated.

Acquisition note

Purchased from Bernard Quaritch, 1995.

Finding aids

Described in typescript supplements, by Christopher Hilton and Richard Aspin, to the Library's published finding aids.


Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

Permanent link


Accession number

  • acc. 349993