Tolman's Reprints, A to N.

Part of:
Leytham, G. W. (b.1913): Papers Relating to E. C. Tolman (1886-1959)
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


File contains Tolman's printed reprints. Alphabetically arranged (by title) from A to N. Details include:

"A Note on the Correlations between Two Mazes" (with Frank C. Davis), reprinted from The Journal of Comparative Psychology, Vol.IV, No.2, 1924

"A Note on the Elimination of Short and Long Blind Alleys" (with Alfred E. White), reprinted from The Journal of Comparative Psychology, Vol.III, No.5, 1923

"A Reply to Mr. Koffka" (with John Horowitz) offprinted from Psychological Bulletin, Vol.30, No.6, 1933

"A Reply to Professor Guthrie"reprinted from Psychological Review, Vol.45, No.2, 1938

"A Self-recording Maze with an Automatic Delivery Table" (Tolman et al), reprint from University of California, Publications in Psychology, Volume 4, No.7, pp99-112, 1929

"A Stimulus-Expectancy Need-Cathexis Psychology" reprinted from Science, February, 1945

"A Theoretical Analysis of the Relations Between Sociology and Psychology", reprint from the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology", Vol.47, 1952

"An Operational Analysis of "Demands" reprint from Das Kausalproblem, Zweiter Internationaler Kongress, Kopenhagen, 1936, Leipzig 1937

"Behaviorism and Purpose" The Journal of Philosophy, Vol.XXII, No.2, 1925

"Book Review", Brunswick, Egon offprinted from Psychological Bulletin, Vol.32, 1935

"Concerning the Sensation Quality: A Behavioristic Account" reprinted from Psychological Review, Vol.29, No.2, 1922

"Correlation between VTE's on a Maze and on a Visual Discrimination Apparatus", reprinted from The Journal of Comparative Psychology", Vol.36, 1943

"Goal Distance and Restless Activity" reprint from The Journal of Comparative Psychology", Vol.35, 1943

"Egon Brunswuck, Psychologist and Philosopher of Science" reprinted from Science , Vol.122, 1955

"Gestalt and Sign-Gestalt" offprint from Psychological Review, Vol.40, 1933

"Identification and the Post-War World", reprinted from the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Vol.38, 1943

"Individual Differences in Emotionality, Hypothesis Formation, Vicarious Trial and Error, and Visual Discrimination Learning in Rats" Tolman et al, from Comparative Psychology Monographs, Vol.17, 1941

"Instinct and Purpose" reprinted from Psychological Review, Vol.27, May 1920

"Interrelationships between Perception and Personality: A Symposium. Part I, Discussion", reprinted from Journal of Personality, Vol.18, 1949

"Learning" (with Leo Postman), reprinted from Annual Review of Psychology, 1954

"Kurt Lewin, 1890-1947", reprinted from Psychological Review, Vol.55 January, 1948

"A Drive-Conversion Diagram", reprinted from Psychological Review, Vol.50, 1943

"Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) in Spanish, reprint from Revista de Psicologia General Y Aplicada, Vol.III, 1948

"Lewin's Concept of Vectors" reprint from The Journal of General Psychology, 1932

"Maze Performance a Function of Motivation and of Reward as Well as of Knowledge of the Maze Paths" reprint from The Journal of General Psychology, Vol.IV, 1930

"Means-End-Readiness and Hypothsis - A Contribution to Comparative Psychology", offprint from Psychological Review, Vol.40, 1933

"More Concerning the Temporal Relations of Meaning and Imagery" reprint from the Psychological Review, Vol.XXIV, 1917

"Motivation, Learning and Adjustment" reprinted from Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 84, 1941

"Multiple-Variable Design for Experiments involving Interaction of Behavior", (with Richard S. Crutchfield), reprinted from Psychological Review, Vol.47, 1940



Physical description

1 file

Acquisition note

Deposited in the library at Wellcome Collection by the British Psychological Society in September 2008.


Compiled by the Cataloguing Project Archivist at the British Psychological Society History of Psychology Centre, with minor editing by Wellcome staff.

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