Minute Book

  • Cooper McDougall & Robertson Limited: Cooper McDougall & Robertson (Scotland) Limited, 1925-?
27 Apr 1954 - 13 Oct 1967
Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Described as 'Minute Book No. 3'

Minutes of AGMs are included at the back of the volume for each year covered by it.

Minutes of meetings of the Board make up the rest of the volume, and such meetings took place quarterly until 1958, after which time the meetings were less frequent.

The company passed a resolution to cease trading in Oct 1957, as a result of which all business was transferred to the main UK Cooper McDougall & Robertson Ltd, reconstituted to absorb all of Coopers business in the UK. The company did continue trading for the purposes of winding up, and was in existence as a non-trading company for several years afterwards.

The character of meetings changed after Oct 1957. After that date they deal mainly with technicalities such as ratifying decisions made elsewhere in the Coopers business, and confirming the re-election of directors. Before Oct 1957, the meetings deal with the administration of the company, directors' emoluments, the payments of bonuses, the performance of the company, the state of the market, and other related matters.

The minutes do contain information on allowances paid to retired employees and their surviving spouses, but otherwise there is little personal information in the volume.

This volume contains an index.

The copies of minutes in this volume are signed.


27 Apr 1954 - 13 Oct 1967

Physical description

1 item

Ownership note

Please see main WF collection description (ref. 'WF').

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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