Articles and Chapters from Information about Sexual Diaries Bibliography

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Project SIGMA (Socio-sexual Investigations of Gay Men and Aids)
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Tony Coxon, "Research Note: 'Something sensational...': The sexual diary as a tool for mapping detailed sexual behaviour", The Sociological review, 1988, 38, 355-67 Tony Coxon, "The Numbers Game - Gay Lifestyles, Epidemiology of Aids and Social Science", in P Aggleton and H Homans (eds), Social Aspects of Aids, London: UCL Falmer Press, 1988, 126-38 Peter Davies and Tony Coxon, "Patterns in Homosexual relations: The Use of the Diary Method", in M Hubert (ed), Sexual Behaviours and Risks of HIV Infection:Proceedings of an international workshop supported by the European Communities (Travaux et Recherches 21), Brussels: Publications des Facultés universitaries Saint-Louis, 1990, 59-78 Anthony PM Coxon, Peter M Davies, Andrew J Hunt, Peter Weatherburn, Thomas J McManus, Clive Rees, "Research Agenda: The Structure of Sexual Behaviour", Journal of Sex Research, 1992, 29/1, 61-83 Tony Coxon, with PM Davies, AJ Hunt, TJ McManus, CM Rees and P Weatherburn, "Research note: strategies in eliciting sensitive sexual information: the case of gay men", Sociological Review, 1993, 41/3, 537-55 Peter Weatherburn, Peter M Davies, Ford CI Hickson, Andrew J Hunt, Thomas J McManus and Anthony PM Coxon, "No connection between alcohol use and unsafe sex among gay and bisexual men", AIDS, 1993 7/1, 115-9 Anthony PM Coxon, N Huw Coxon, with Peter Weatherburn, Andrew J Hunt, Ford Hickson, Peter M Davies and Tom J McManus, "Sex role separation in sexual diaries of homosexual men", AIDS, 1993, 7/6, 877-82 Anthony PM Coxon, "Diaries and Sexual Behaviour: The use of sexual diaries as method and substance in researching gay men"s response to HIV/AIDS", in Mary Boulton (ed), Challenge and Innovation: Methodological Advances in Social Research on HIV/AIDS, London: Falmer Press, 1994, 125-47 Anthony PM Coxon, "Networks and Sex; the use of social networks as method and substance in researching gay men"s response to HIV/AIDS", in R Parker and J Gagnon, Conceiving Sexuality: Approaches to Sex Research in a PostModern World, London: Routledge, 1995, 215-34 Anthony PM Coxon and NH Coxon, "Risk in Context: the use of sexual diary data to analyse homosexual risk behaviour", in H tem Brummelhuis and G Herdt, Culture and Sexual Risk: Anthropological Perspectives on Aids, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 1995, 205-25 Anthony PM Coxon, "The Method: Men, diaries and other techniques", in Anthony PM Coxon, Between the Sheets: Sexual Diaries and Gay Men"s Sex in the Era of AIDS, London: Cassell, 1996,16-34 APM Coxon, "Parallel accounts? Discrepancies between self-report (diaries) and recall (questionnaire) measures of the same sexual behaviour", AIDS Care, 1999, 11/2, 221-34



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