Correspondence with Charles Singer and Dorothea Singer: S

Part of:
Singer, Charles Joseph and Singer, Dorothea Waley
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Correspondence with ST JOHN, Prof H & Betty; SALAMAN, Raphael; SALAMAN, Redcliffe N; SAMUEL, Hubert; SANDERSON, Ann (niece); SANTILLANA, Prof Giorgio de; SANTO, [?]B; SARTON, E Mabel; SARTON, Dr George; SARTON, May; SAXL, Prof Fritz; SCHIFF, Otto M; SCHLESLINGER, Dr Bernard; SCHUENBERG, Dr J; SCOBIE, Dr; SERVINI, G; SEYMER, Lucy [wife of Col]; SHARPE, William D; SHAW, Francis; SHAW, Geoffrey; SHAW, Napier; SHERRINGTON, Sir Charles; SHIPLEY, A E; SHIRLEY, The Rev Canon F J; SHYROCK, Prof Richard H; SIGERIST, Henry & Emmy; SIMPSON, Esther; SIMPSON, Esther; SINGER, Dr Eleanor (niece); SINGTON, Harold S; SINNOTT, Edward W; SMITH, Capt Edgar C; SMITH, Sir Grafton Elliot; SMITH, J A; SMITH, Madeleine; SMITH, Rennie; SOMERVILLE, Robert SPERRIN-JOHNSON, Prof J C; SPIELMAN, Edgar R M; SPIELMANN, M H; SPIELMANN, Dr Percy E; STAHLMAN, W D; STANLEY, Vaughan; STEELE, Robert; STEPHENSON, Prof T A; STERN, Joan R; STEWART, Bill & Elsie; STEWART, Elizabeth P; STIMSON, Dr Dorothy; STRATTON, Alice; STREETER, Dr Edward C; SUDHOF



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