Melanpygus | Or | The Confusion of those So- | phisters which intitule themselus | Dogmaticall Physicians

C. 1665
Part of:
Three Italian Pamphlets
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


| As also of Dr. Claudio Gelli, and of all Passa- | lusses & Achemons his new Complices, By Zephy- | riele Thomaso Bovio, gentleman of Verona, a new Melanpygus. Translated out of Italian. This pamphlet is dedicated to "The Illustrious Lord, Count Jordano Sarego." The title of the original pamphlet is: Melampigo overa Confusione de' Medici Sofisti, 162 pp.


C. 1665

Physical description

fo. 73-139

Finding aids

Described in: Warren R. Dawson, Manuscripta medica. A descriptive catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of the Medical Society of London (London, 1932).

Location of duplicates

This material has been digitised and can be freely accessed online through Wellcome Collection catalogue.

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