A booke of the arte and maner how to plant and graffe all sortes of trees : how to set stones, and sowe pepins, to make wylde trees to graffe on, as also remedies and medicines. VVith diuers other newe practises, by one of the Abbey of Saint Vincent in Fraunce, practised with his owne handes, deuided into seauen chapters, as hereafter more playnely shall appeare, wyth an addition in the ende of this booke, of certayne Dutch practises, set forth and Englished, by Leonard Mascall.

  • Mascall, Leonard, -1589
  • Books
  • Online

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About this work

Also known as

Arte of planting and graffing.


Imprinted at London : [By Henry Denham and John Charlewood?] for Iohn VVight, 1575.

Physical description

[1+] pages : illustrations (woodcut).


Based on: Brossard, David. L'art et maniere de semer et faire pepinieres des sauluaigeaulx, ca. 1530-1540.
Printers' names conjectured by STC.
Fragment: t.p. only.
Reproduction of original in: British Library.

References note

STC (2nd ed.) 17575.
Early English books tract supplement interim guide ; E4:2[27]

Reproduction note

Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Early English books; Tract supplement ; E4:2[9a]) s1999 miun s


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