Reviews, 21-40
- Date:
- 1953
- Reference:
- PP/AWD/C/7/21-40
- Part of:
- Daley, Sir (William) Allen (1887-1969)
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
21, Pumarola Busquets A, Estudio Microbiologico y Epeidemiologico de las Leptospirosis en Espana (Microbiological and Epidemiological Study of Leptosiosis in Spain (Conejo Superior de Invetsigaciones Cientificas: Instituto de Parasitologia, 1951)
22, Leff, S and Mayers, J R, "[Accidents in the Home]" Medical Officer, 3 Oct 1953, vol 90, no 14, pp 165-6 Your Health 53
23, Brown, C M, "The National Public Health Service" Public Health, Oct 1953, vol 6, no 1, pp 2-4. Your Health 54
24, Bottinelli, P, "Estudio estadistico de la poiliomielitis" (Statistical study of poliomyelitis) Semana Med., 27 Aug 1953, vol 103, no 9, pp 295-302. Your Health 55
25, Acivar, Clodoveo Z, "Portadores de bacilos tificos en los manipuladores de alimentos de Guayaquil y sus reacciones de aglutinacion" (Carriers of typhoid bacilli in the food handlers of Guayaquil and their agglutination reactions) Rev. Ecuatoriana de Hig. y Med. Trop., Jan-Dec 1952 vol 8/9, nos. 1/4 pp 29-33. Your Health 56
26, Roberts, L "The Health Visitor and the Family Doctor" BMJ, 31 Oct 1953, pp 962-4. Your Health 57
27, Thomas, J S, "The General Practitioner and the Health Visitor" BMJ, 31 Oct 1953, pp 364-6. Your Health 58
28, Letourneau, C U, "Hospitals and Prevention of Neonatal Mortality" Journal of the American Medical Association 3 Oct 1953 vol 153 no 476-9. Your Health 60
29, Clifford, S H, "Role of the Paediatrician in Prevention of Needless Neonatal Deaths" Journal of the American Medical Association 3 Oct 1953, vol 153, no 5 pp 473-6. Your Health 61
30, McVay, L V Jr and Sprunt, D H, "Aureomycin in the Prophylaxis of Rheumatic Fever," New England Journal of Medicine 3 Sep 1953, vol 249 no 10, pp 387-93. Your Health 62
31, Romero, H, Medina, E, Kaempffer, A M and Vildosola, J, "Mortalidad infantil y del primer quinquenio" (Infant mortality and mortality during the first five years of life), Rev. Chilena Hig. y Med. Preventiva, Dec 1952, vol 14, no 4, pp 213-18. Your Health 63
32, Logan, W P D, "Work and Age: Statistical Considerations" BMJ, 28 Nov 1953, pp 1190-93. Your Health 64
33, Welford, A T, "Extending the Employment of Older People" BMJ, 28 Nov 1953, pp 1193-7. Your Health 65
34, Andrews, J D B, "The Mothers" Aid. (Mødrehjaelpen) Institutions of Denmark. Pregnancy: Abortion: Adoption" The Lancet, 28 Nov 1953, pp 1139-42. Your Health 66
35, Garven, Alison, "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Epidemic Diarrhoea" Medical Journal of Australia, 19 Sep 1953, vol 2, no 12, pp 447-50 [Also includes review of a paper given by Hamilton at the same time as that by Garven]
36, Bestieu, R, "Etude des principaux facteurs de l"endemie typhoparatyphoidique a Marseille de 1940 a 1950" (Study of the principal factors causing the endemic incidence of typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Marseilles from 1940 to 1950) Ann. d"Hyg. Pub., Industriale et Sociale, May-Jun-Jul 1951, vol 29, nos. 3/4, pp 130-47. Your Health 69
37, Daniel, A, "Constatation d"un decalage progressif-vers une periode avancee de l"existence humaine-de l"age moyen de la maladie de Heine-Medin- clinique, dans le pays de haute civilisation economico-sanitaire" (Verification of a progressive shift towards an advanced era of human existence of the mean age of clinical cases of Heine-Medin disease in the countries where economic and sanitary conditions are high) Ann. d"Hyg. Pub. Indus. et Sociale, May-Jun-Jul 1951, vol 29, nos. 3/4, pp161-181. Your Health 70
38, Otiz Mariotte, C?, Calderon, C and Ornelas Hernandez, A, "Situacion del problema de la poliomielitis en Mexico" (Status of Poliomielitis in Mexico) Bol. Oficina Sanitaria Panamericana, Oct 1953, vol 35, no 4, pp 396-409. Your Health 71
39, Medical Research Council. "Antibiotic and Chemotherapeutic Agents in the Treatment of Infantile Diarrhoea and Vomiting. Report by a Working Party established by the Antibiotic Clinical Trials (Non-Tuberculosis Conditions) Committee of the Medical Research Council" The Lancet, 5 Dec 1953, pp 1163-9. Your Health 72
40, Illingworth, R S and Kilpatrick, B with assistance in statistics from J F Scott, "Lactation and Fluid Intake" The Lancet, 5 Dec 1953, pp 1175-7. Your Health 73
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