A History of the Journal International Abstracts of Biological Sciences

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<i>International Abstracts of Biological Sciences</i> and <i>Archives of Oral Biology</i>
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Minutes and correspondence relating to the journal, British Abstracts of Medical Science

Two page chronological history, 'International Abstracts of Biological Sciences - Fons et Origen', n.d.

Piece by A.E.W. Miles entitled the 'History of I.A.B.S.' regarding the papers deposited with the Wellcome Library, 5 May 2000. He writes that he has sorted the papers chronologically and that early on in B.A.M.S. history there was an editorial committee. Interfiled with Council Minutes, there are letters from himself to the section editor of odontology which often illustrate and precis the minutes.

Photocopy of the article, 40th anniversary year of Pergamon Press: an advance in knowledge is not achieved until it is published, by A.E.W. Miles, 7 January 1988, (Archives of Oral Biology, vol. 33, no. 6, p. V-VI, 1988).

Documents in a folder with the label: 'Early stages before Maxwell appeared on the scenes but regretfully not copies of all the minutes. Although I edited early on - only joined the B. [sic] of Managment in February 1955'.

Two-page document entitled 'Pergamon Press Ltd.' with the date, 'Registered: 21st April 1949, as Butterworth Springer Ltd.'. Annotated note at top by A.E.W. Miles, 'This seems to relate to the establishment of Maxwell & Pergamon Press in 1951, out of Butterworth Springer found in 1949'.

Two documents entitled, 'British Abstracts of Medical Sciences', one with 'Draft', both with annotations by A.E.W. Miles, ca. 1953-1954.

Photocopy of a letter to Sir Wilfred [Fish], from A.E.W. Miles, 29 January 1954, with the annotation 'Part of the effort to enlist support from the dental profession'.

Letter to Professor M.A. Rushton, Department of Dental Medicine, Guy's Hospital, from A.E.W. Miles, 22 March [1954].

Correspondence between Dr. Gerald Leatherman of Federation Dentaire Internationale and R.J. Harrison of British Abstracts of Medical Sciences. Three letters, 12 April, with letter of 8 April attached, and 14 April 1954.

Correspondence between A.E.W. Miles and Professor P.O. Pedersen of the Royal Dental College, Copenhagen, mentioning the correspondence between Harrison and Leatherman. Two letters, 20 and 27 May 1954.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to G.H. Leatherman, referring to the letter, dated 27 May, that he sent to Pedersen, 27 May 1954.

Copy of a letter, headed Excerpta Medica from E. van Tongeren, Amsterdam to Professor Pedersen in Copenhagen, 2 July 1954.

Letter headed 'Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland' from F. Goldby to A.E.W. Miles at the London Hospital Medical College, asking if he would assist Dr. R.J. Harrison with the new abstracting journal, possibly as sub-editor. Annotated by A.E.W. Miles with, 'The first formal invitation I rec'd to join B.A.M.S.', 7 July 1954. With a reply from A.E.W. Miles, appointed as Section Editor, 11 August 1954.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to Professor Gilding, 9 September 1954.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to M.V. Stack, at the University of Bristol Dental School, requesting his assistance as an abstractor, 6 October 1954.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to Miss M. Glanfield at the Lister Institute, regarding the copy for the B.A.M.S. section on odontology, 6 October 1954

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to Vincent Ash, c/o the Amalgamated Dental Co. Ltd., looking for subscriptions to advertising space in B.A.M.S., 22 October 1954.

Correspondence between A.E.W. Miles and M.V. Stack, along with one letter to M.A. Rushton, regarding the Articles of Association for B.A.M.S.. Five letters, 10 November, 15 November (to Rushton), 23 November (from Stack), with letters (from Miles) attached for 18 and 24 November 1954.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to P.M.C. James at the Eastman Dental Hospital, requesting their assistance as an abstractor, 21 December 1954. Annotated by A.E.W. Miles with 'a sample of correspondence and the small army recruited of abstractors'.

Standard form letter, headed 'Department of Dental Histology & Pathology', regarding the new abstract journal annotated with the note, 'Letters like this went all over the world', sent from A.E.W. Miles, February 1955.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to Professor S.J. Kreshover, School of Dentistry, Medical College of Virginia, 2 February 1955.

Letter from Reidar F. Sognnaes at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine, to A.E.W. Miles, 15 February 1955.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to M.V. Stack, at the University of Bristol, regarding the British Section's application for admission to B.A.M.S. Ltd., 17 February 1955.

Minutes of the sixth meeting of the Council of Management of British Biological and Medical Abstracts Limited, held on 25 February 1955.

One sheet entitled, 'Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd. - Council's Report for the year ending 31st December, 1954' by F.A. Robinson, 9 March 1955.

Letter to A.E.W. Miles, from Dr. Bouyssou, Toulouse, with the annotation 'a French abstractor recruited', 16 April 1955.

Section of loose documents without a folder.

Two letters to A.E.W. Miles from F.A.Robinson at the British Abstracts of Medical Sciences, c/o Allen & Hanburys Ltd. Ware, Hertfordshire, regarding a proposal from Pergamon Press, 19 April and 19 July 1955.

Correspondence between A.E.W. Miles and Professor Vass, from St. Thomas's Hospital, about the quality of abstracted journals, 17 August and 8 September 1955.

Correspondence between A.E.W. Miles and Dr. D.L. Wedderburn at Unilever, Isleworth, regarding subscribing to Biological Abstracts and bodies for dental research, 12 and 27 October 1955.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to Rowles, annotated by Miles with 'a researcher at, I think, Birmingham', 21 October 1955.

Two letters to Professor Gilding, one from D.C. Martin at the Royal Society, London, copied to all members of the Council, regarding a proposal to merge Biological Abstracts and British Abstracts of Medical Sciences, 1 November 1955, and one from A.E.W. Miles about the Section of Odontology, with regards to Biological Abstracts, 3 February 1956.

Letter to Captain Maxwell from A.E.W. Miles, regarding costs, 29 March 1956; Copy of the legal document with Pergamon Press, entitled 'Biological and Medical Abstracts Limited and Pergamon Press Limited: agreement', 20 July 1956.

Annual report to the Annual General Meeting of Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd, prepared by F.A. Robinson, 1 May 1959-30 April 1960.

Correspondence, and document, regarding the need for an 'Index Biologicus': includes a letter from A.E.W. Miles to Dr. C.H. Tonge at the Medical College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 28 November 1960, enclosing a two-page report entitled, 'Index Biologicus. B. Statement of aims and scope' (this copy has a covering note headed Guy's Hospital Medical School, Physiology Department, with the compliments of I. Macdonald), ca. 1960), and a letter from Howard, at the Medical College, Newcastly-upon-Tyne, to A.E.W. Miles, 20 March 1961.

Letter to Dr. Macdonald at Guy's Hospital, from C.T. Clark at Pergamon Press regarding the International Abstracts of Biological Sciences, 27 January 1961.

Documentation relating to 'Index Biologicus: Minutes of the 4th meeting of the Advisory Committee' appointed to consider the proposals to publish an Index Biologicus, includes mention of a preliminary announcement to be drafted for publication in Nature, 11 July 1961; Letter from R.K. Callow at the National Institute for Medical Research, London, to A.E.W. Miles regarding the agreement of Captain Maxwell to prepare a draft agreement for discussion, and for himself and Professor Wareing to prepare a draft announcement of intention to publish Index Biologicus, to be published in Nature, which has a preliminary draft attached, 18 July 1961; Sheet of information about Index Biologicus being submitted for publication to Nature with a covering note headed 'Medical Research Council' with the thanks of Dr. Callow, annotated with the 'about 1960' but appears to be ca. 1961; Draft agreement for the publication of Index Biologicus, n.d.; Minutes of the 61st meeting of the Council of Management, including discussion of a price increase for International Abstracts of Biological Sciences; Letter to Dr. Callow, Chairman of I.A.B.S from Robert Maxwell, at Pergamon Press, Oxford, regarding the detail of the price increase; Agenda for the Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd. meeting for 10 November 1961; Minutes of the 63rd meeting of the Council of Management, 23 January 1962; Letter from Robert Maxwell to Dr Ian Mcdonald regarding the decision by Pergamon Press not to go ahead with Index Biologicus, 8 March 1962; Document entitled, 'Final report on the Index Biologicus for the Council of Management, Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd.', annotated 'probably 1963'.

Correspondence between Robert Maxwell and Ian Mcdonald regarding International Abstracts of Biological Sciences, 4 and 20 June 1962.

Various documents relating to the future of International Abstracts of Biological Sciences: Minutes of the 68th meeting of the Council of Management, 1963; Minutes of the 71st meeting which was adjourned to wait for fuller information about I.A.B.S. expenditure, 1 October 1965; Letter to Robert Maxwell from C.C.N. Vass and C.L. Mer asking about financial issues and mentioning government money that had been allocated to the Library of Congress MEDLARS computer indexing project, 18 October 1965; Minutes of the adjourned reconvened 71st meeting, 1 December 1965, with mention of a letter from Dr. C.P. Wallis regarding the imminent publication of a new, large, North American abstract dentistry journal with close links to the MEDLARS computer programme; Copy of a letter to J.R. Briggs at Messrs. Chalmers, Impey & Co., from C.C.N. Vass and C.L. Mer regarding financial matters, 24 February 1966; Minutes of the 72nd meeting, 29 April 1966; Letter to Dr.R.K. Callow from A.E.W. Miles, 17 October 1967.

Documents in a folder with the label, 'Mainly correspondence with Dr. C.P. Wallis, editor of section of odontology. Revealing problems behind the scenes & views of an early enthusiast for computerizing data retrieval'.

Letter to Wallis from A.E.W. Miles, asking him to become one of the abstractors for International Abstracts of Biological Sciences, annotated by A.E.W. Miles with 'Wallis took over the editorship of Odont. Section from me and became v. [sic] able. Contributed ideas at editorial meetings, I believe and became enthusiastic for a classified list journal instead of abstracts, and for electonic methodology and computerization. Eventually he became frustrated. Ferguson took over', 30 October 1958.

Five letters between A.E.W. Miles at the London Hospital Medical College, and C.P. Wallis at the Department of Biochemistry, Edinburgh University, regarding abstracting, 23 January, 9, 12, 15 and 17 February 1959.

Two letters between A.E.W. Miles and Miss M. Glanfield at I.A.B.S. regarding the spelling of the title of a Russian journal, 20 February and 3 March 1959.

Two letters between A.E.W. Miles and C.P. Wallis regarding the journal Stomatologiia, 11 and 12 March 1959.

Letter from Peter Campbell, at the Courtauld Institute of Biochemistry, to A.E.W. Miles, 4 May 1959.

Five letters between A.E.W. Miles and C.P. Wallis regarding the abstracting content of I.A.B.S. and, mainly, Japanese journals, 14 August 1959, 12 January, 10, 13 and 16 February 1960.

Two form letters from C.P. Wallis addressed to 'Dear Colleague', 8 November 1965, and 'Dear Abstractor, ca. 1965, and a list of points entitled, 'Prospects for I.A.B.S.', November 1965.

Correspondence and documents between A.E.W. Miles and C.P. Wallis: Letter from A.E.W. Miles regarding computerized abstracting and indexing, 23 November 1965; Copy of the 'Dental bibliography survey' (provisional results) from C.P. Wallis, n.d.; Letter from C.P. Wallis looking for 'active support' from anyone for a simpler and more effective system of abstract computerization, than the American computer indexing system MEDLARS, which he considers too cumbersome, 25 November 1965; Copy of the results of the 'Dental bibliography survey', November 1965; Letter from A.E.W. Miles regarding Wallis's memo on computer-indexing which had been put to the I.A.B.S. meeting and Robert Maxwell had encouraged, although the Council felt a questionnaire should be used to find out about the use of abstract journals and whether people read the abstracts in I.A.B.S., before embarking on a course of action, 2 December 1965.

Letter to Dr. Vass from C.P. Wallis, about the questionnaire, 9 December 1965.

Correspondence between A.E.W. Miles and C.P. Wallis: Three letters regarding the results of the questionnaire and the future of I.A.B.S., 19 January, 12 and 23 March 1966; Letter mentioning that Pergamon Press are acquiring an I.B.M. computer, and the coverage of I.A.B.S., 3 May 1966.

Correspondence between A.E.W. Miles, C.P. Wallis and Dr. Vass: Six letters regarding the competition from an American journal Oral Research Abstracts and the continuing problems of coverage of I.A.B.S., including Wallis's resignation as the editor of the odontology section, 7 June, 12 July, 4 and 17 August, 13 and 19 September 1966.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to Dr. Vass at the Sherrington School of Physiology, St. Thomas's Hospital, about the continuation of the odontology section under Watson, 20 February 1967.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to Dr. Tonge, at the Department of Anatomy Medical College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, about the odontology section, 8 April 1867.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to Miss Glanfield regarding journal abstracting, annotated by Miles with the note, "It seems that Watson was a stop-gap between loss of Wallis & take-over of the section by Ferguson", 8 May 1867.

Minutes of the 36th Meeting of the Editorial Board, including a 'Report by Editor on staff and staff resignations', 25 September 1968.

Correspondence between A.E.W. Miles and Alan Ness at the Department of Physiology, University College London: Three letters regarding A.E.W. Miles's approach to Alan Ness to become the new editor of the odontology section, and the latter's refusal as he considers abstracts not to be as useful as classified lists of titles, 21 (includes a copy letter), 26 and 29 November 1968.

Letter from D.B. Ferguson, at the University of Manchester, to A.E.W. Miles, asking for further information about becoming editor of the odontology section in the new, potentially computerised version of I.A.B.S., 3 May 1969.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to E.J. Duff at the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Turner Dental School, Manchester, regarding D.B. Ferguson's wish to edit the odontology section, annotated by A.E.W. Miles with "By some mistake Miss Glanfield wrote to him instead of Ferguson. I obviously sounded out several people.', 12 June 1969; Two letters from A.E.W. Miles, both about Ferguson editing the odontology sections, to C.C.N Vass and Ferguson, both dated 12 June 1969.

'Second Meeting of Working Party on the Future of International Abstracts of Biological Sciences', regarding compiling a list of topics for for specialised bibliographies, 28 June 1969.

Two letters from C.L. Mer sent from the I.A.B.S. editorial office to Robert Maxwell at Pergamon Press, regarding computerization, staffing, and the American company, Leasco with matters relating to their takeover of Pergamon Press, 9 and 17 September 1969.

Correspondence between Thomas Lehner, Department of Oral Medicine & Pathology, Guy's Hospital, and A.E.W. Miles. Two letters, one annotated by A.E.W. Miles with 'This concerns my editorship of Archives of Oral Biology but my reply contains a summary of I.A.B.S. affairs at the time'. Also includes a mention of Robert Maxwell no longer being in charge of Pergamon Press, 7 and 14 October 1969.

Letter from A.S. Lowe, Managing Editor at Pergamon Press, Oxford, to Dr. Vass at St. Thomas' Medical School, London detailing changes in the Board of Directors at Pergamon Press, 20 October 1969.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles (Loma) to Newell, whose name is annotated by A.E.W. Miles with 'My reader in Exp. Oral Pathology', ca. 1970.

Two letters, one from C.C.N. Vass to A.E.W. Miles asking to call a meeting of the Council, and one from C.C.N. Vass and C.L. Mer to Sir Henry d'Avigdor-Goldsmid, Felix A. Kalinski and G.F. Richards at Pergamon Press, 3 and 24 July 1970

Minutes of an Extraordinary meeting of the Council of Management, held at the Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, regarding a letter from Pergamon Press that they will be unable to continue publishing I.A.B.S. after 1970, 15 July 1970.

Correspondence between Felix A. Kalinski, C.C.N Vass and C.L. Mer regarding the future of I.A.B.S. with Pergamon Press, including a copy of a letter to all subscribers that the journal will continue with Robert Maxwell & Co. Ltd. publishing, rather than Pergamon Press, 18 and 29 September, 6 October, two letters of 7 October, one of which is signed by Robert Maxwell (and has a second copy) and 15 October 1970.

Minutes of an Informal Meeting of Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd., regarding staff issues and Robert Maxwell's situation, 29 January 1971. Attached is the agenda for a Meeting of the Council for 11 March 1971 and details of income and expenditure for various volumes of I.A.B.S.

Cover letter, 6 April 1971, from J.E. Gibbs (administrative secretary) to A.E.W. Miles enclosing a letter sent to Dr. Edward Gray from C.L. Mer regarding abstracts on microfilm, 25 March 1971.

Minutes of two Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd. Council of Managment meetings, held 10 March 1971 (with a handwritten covering note) and 20 May 1971.

Notes about I.A.B.S. winding up, with a further handwritten annotation by A.E.W. Miles - "Newell Johnson in my Dept. at L.H.M.C. but summary is I.A.B.S. at the time. About 1971," and at the end, "I would prefer it [I.A.B.S.] to disappear and be replaced by a better independent service. P.P. [Pergamon Press] probably could be persuaded to produce a scan-type."

Letter from Robert Maxwell to C.L. Mer regarding I.A.B.S. no longer being published in its current form, 25 November 1971.

Attached together: Three copies of a form letter to send to Constituent Societies, from Dr. Mer and Dr. Vass, regarding Maxwell no longer being able to fund I.A.B.S. after December 1973, dated 1972; Minutes of the Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd. Council of Managment meetings held 1 October 1971 and 18 July 1972.

Documents in a folder with the label, 'Final stages of I.A.B.S. story.

Letter from C.C. Norry [sic] Vass to Professor Miles regarding an I.A.B.S. seminar, with various pencil annotations, 1 May 1969.

Letter from C.L. Mer and C.C.N. Vass to Professor Miles about recent developments at I.A.B.S., 12 June 1969.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to D.B. Ferguson regarding changes at I.A.B.S. with Robert Maxwell and the American take-over, 1 July 1969.

Two letters from A.E.W. Miles, one to Mr. McDaniel at I.A.B.S., 2 September 1969, and another to D.B. Ferguson regarding a letter from McDaniel, 3 September 1969.

Correspondence between A.E.W. Miles and J.W.S. Harris of the Carnegie Laboratory, Maryland, regarding problems with I.A.B.S., 2 July and 14 August 1970.

Letter from A.E.W. Miles to D.B. Ferguson regarding the future of I.A.B.S., 5 November 1970.

Group of letters with the note, 'Some peripheral letters showing difficulties faced at one medical college [London Hospital Medical College] to persuade libraries to take I.A.B.S. in competition with Index Medicus - not Biological Abstracts which was far more expensive'. Letters between Professor Geoffrey Slack and A.E.W. Miles, 4 and 15 November 1965, 1 December 1967; Letter to Roy Duckworth at the Dental School, 17 November 1970; Undated list of abstracting journals.

Four letters from A.E.W. Miles to D.B. Ferguson, giving details after attending I.A.B.S. Council meetings, regarding the future and then winding up of I.A.B.S., 11 June and 13 October 1971, 4 August 1972, 16 January 1973.



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Biographical note

Miles, Professor Albert Edward William (1912-2008), also known as Loma Miles, qualified in medicine, and dentistry (Royal Dental Hospital). From the 1950s to the 1980s he taught at the London Hospital Medical College Dental School, and was Professor of Dental Surgery and Pathology, 1950-1976, after which he taught anatomy. He was curator of the Odontological Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England from the 1950s to the 1990s. He published widely on oral biology and was the founding editor of Archives of Oral Biology. In 1953, he was asked to organise a Section of Odontology in the British Abstracts of Medical Sciences, shortly to become International Abstracts of Biological Sciences.

Maxwell, Robert (1923-1991), Czechoslovakian-born British publisher, media proprietor and Member of Parliament. In 1951, Robert Maxwell acquired Pergamon Press. He was instrumental in setting up Archives of Oral Biology and had an interest in scientific publishing. British Abstracts of Medical Science, which began in 1953, was one of the surviving sections of a journal called Physiological Abstracts which had run from 1916 to 1953. In 1955, Robert Maxwell, at Pergamon Press, agreed to publish the journal and the name was changed to International Abstracts of Biological Sciences. This arrangement stood until 1970 when Pergamon Press (no longer under the direction of Robert Maxwell) ended its publication. However, Maxwell took over publication with his own company until 1973 when losses caused the publication to cease.

Fish, Sir Eric Wilfred (1894-1974). Qualified in dentistry at the University of Manchester, 1914. Awarded Doctor of Science at the Royal Dental Hospital, London. Original president of the British Society of Periodontology, and later president of the Odontological Section of the Royal Society of Medicine. From 1856 to 1859 he was Dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He undertook dental work for Winston Churchill, and received a C.B.E. in 1947, before being knighted in 1954.

Rushton, Professor M.A. (fl. 1954). Qualified as a Medical Doctor. Director of the Department of Dental Medicine, Guy's Hospital. He had a fellowship in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and was awarded a C.B.E.

Leatherman, Gerald H. (d. 1991). Secretary General of the International Dental Federation. Pioneer of preventive dentistry. Retired as president of the British Dental Hygienists' Association in 1957 but remained honorary vice president until his death in 1991.

Harrison, Dr. R.J. (fl. 1954). Sub-editor of the British Abstracts of Medical Sciences.

Pedersen, Professor Paul O. (fl. 1954). Doctor of odontology.

Tongeren, E. van (fl. 1954). Director of Excerpta Medica.

Goldby, F. (fl. 1954). Secretary of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

Gilding, Professor H.P. (fl. 1954-1955). Medical Doctor, and Honorary Treasurer of the Physiological Society.

Stack, Maurice V. (fl. 1953-1966). Secretary-Treasurer of the British Division of the International Association of Dental Research, 1953-57. He worked at the Department of Dental Medicine, Guy's Hospital, London, and the Dental Research Unit (Medical Research Council) in Bristol.

Glanfield, Miss M. (fl. 1954-1970). Editorial secretary at International Abstracts of Biological Sciences. Administrative secretary until 1970.

Ash, Vincent (fl. 1954).

James, Peter Maunde Coram (d. 1993). Dental surgeon and teacher.

Kreshover, S.J. (fl. 1955). Professor at the School of Dentistry, Medical College of Virginia, U.S.A.

Sognnaes, Reidar Fauske (1911-1984). Professor of Oral Pathology, and Dean of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

Robinson, F.A. (fl. 1954-1960). Honorary Secretary of the Council of Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd. Chairman of the Biochemical Society, 1946-1947. Awarded C.B.E.

Bouyssou, Maurice (fl. 1955). Doctor at the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, in Toulouse.

Vass, C.C. Norroy (fl. 1954-1972). Editor of British Abstracts of Medical Sciences. Honorary editor of International Abstracts of Biological Sciences around 1965. Professor at the Sherrington School of Physiology, St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School, London.

Wedderburn, D.L. (fl. 1955). Doctor at Unilever Ltd., U.K. Toilet Preparations Executive, Product Development Unit, Isleworth, Middlesex.

Martin, David Christie (1914-1976). Ph.D. from Edinburgh University. Assistant secretary, 1947-1962, and later executive secretary, 1962-1976, of the Royal Society.

Macdonald, Ian (1921-2008). Qualified at Guy's Hospital in 1944, and professor of physiology at Guy's Hospital Medical School.

Tonge, Cecil Howard (1915-1992). Senior lecturer and professor in oral anatomy at the Medical College, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1964-1981.

Callow, Robert Kenneth (1901-1983). Biochemist at the Medical Research Council. Elected as a fellow of the Royal Society in 1958. Chairman of Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd., 1961.

Clark, C.T. (fl. 1957-1961). Director of Pergamon Press, London.

Wareing, P.F. (fl. 1961-1962). Chairman of Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd., 1962.

Mer, C.L. (fl. 1965-1972). Chairman of the Council of Management of Biological and Medical Abstracts Ltd., 1965.

Wallis, C.P. (fl. 1958-1966). Editor of the odontology section of International Abstracts of Biological Sciences. Doctor in the Department of Biochemistry, School of Dental Surgery, Edinburgh.

Campbell, Peter (fl. 1959).

Ness, Alan (fl. 1968).

Ferguson, Dr. David B. Editor of Archives of Oral Biology. Editor of the Odontology Section of International Abstracts of Biological Sciences, ca. 1969. Author of Oral bioscience, 2006.

Duff, E.J. (fl. 1969-1976). Professor at the Department of Preventive Dentistry, Turner Dental School, Manchester.

Lehner, T. (Thomas) (fl. 1963-). Qualified in dental surgery and medicine at University College Hospital Medical and Dental School in 1960. Appointed senior lecturer, 1965, reader, 1967, and Professor in Oral Immunology, 1971, at Guy's Hospital Dental School. Since 2008, Professor of Basic and Applied Immunology at King's College, London.

Lowe, A.S. (fl. 1969-1970). Managing editor at Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1969.

Richards, G.F. (fl. 1970). Director of the Learned Journals Division of Pergamon Press, 1970.

D’Avigdor-Goldsmid, Bt., Sir Henry (1909-1976). Chairman of Pergamon Press, 1969-1971.

Kalinski, Felix A. (fl. 1970). Managing director of Pergamon Press, 1970.

Gray, Dr. Edward (fl. 1972). President of the Maxwell Microform Company.

McDaniel, John (fl. 1969). Secretary of the Working Party for International Abstracts of Biological Sciences.

Harris, John W.S. (fl. 1970). Worked at the Carnegie Laboratory, Baltimore, Maryland.

Slack, Geoffrey L. (1912-1991). Professor of Dental Surgery, 1959-1976, during which time he was also dean, 1965-1969, and later Professor of Community Dental Health, 1976-1977, at The London Hospital Medical College Dental School. He was dean of the Faculty of Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1974-1977. Awarded an O.B.E. in 1944 for his wartime work.

Duckworth, Roy (1929-). Dean of The London Hospital Medical College Dental School, ca. 1970. President of the British Dental Association, 1990.

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