Reviews, 141-160

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Daley, Sir (William) Allen (1887-1969)
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141, "Study of Maternal and Child Care in the United States". Journal of the American Medical Association, 5 March 1955, vol 157, no 10, pp 846-9. Your Health 11

142, Mackenzie-Wintle, H, "The Human Side of Housing" Medical Officer, 15 Apr 1955, vol 93, no 15, pp203-4. Your Health 12

143, Government of Northern Ireland: Ministry of Health and Local Government. Report on Health and Local Government Administration in Northern Ireland during the Year ended 31st December 1953. (HMSO, 1955). Your Health 13

144, Bunn, W H and Bennett, H N, "Community Control of Rheumatic Fever," Journal of the American Medical Association, 19 March 1955, vol 157, no 12, pp 986-9. Your Health 14

145, Mackintosh, Jean M, "The Future Sphere of Action of the Assistant Medical Officer of Health," Medical Officer, Apr 22 1955, vol 93, no 16, pp215-17. Your Health 15

146, Society of Medical Officers of Health. The Functions of the Medical Officer of Health. (London, 1955?). Your Health 15

147, Goffe, A P and Parfitt, Edith M, "Quarantine Measures in Poliomyelitis," The Lancet, 4 Jun 1955, pp 1172-5. Your Health 16

148, Dalzell-Ward, A J, "The Function of the Child Welfare Centre. A Review of Present Opinions and Trends" Medical Officer, 3 Jun 1955, vol 93, no 22, pp 303-6. Your Health 18

149, Wallace, Helen M, Siffert, R S, Deaver, G and Pingitore, Eufelia, "The Homebound Child" Journal of the American Medical Association, 21 May 1955, vol 158, no 3, pp 158-160. Your Health 19

150, Ministry of Education. The Health of the School Child. Report of the Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Education for the Years 1952 and 1953 (HMSO, 1954)

151, Williams, Cicely D, "The Organization of Child Health Services in Developing Countries," Journal of Tropical Paediatrics, Jun 1955, vol 1, no 1, pp 3-8. Your Health 20

152, Rohmer, P, Sacrez, R and Schneegans, E, "Une enquete sur la mortalite du premier age et le fonctionnement d"un service social de PMI," (An enquiry into the mortality during the first year of life and into the functioning of the protection maternelle et infantile) Rev. d"Hyg. et de Med. Sociale, 1955, vol 3, no 3, pp 228-43. Your Health 21

153, Pakter, Jean, Erhardt, C L and Jacobziner, H, "Prenatal Mortality Rates as an Aid in Assessing Maternity Care" American Journal of Public Health, Jun 1955, vol 45, no 6, pp 728-35. Your Health 22

154, Brockington, Fraser, The People"s Health (Bathcworth Press, 1955)

155, Rider, R V, Taback, M and Knobloch, Hilda, "Associations between Premature Birth and Socioeconomic Status", American Journal of Public Health, Aug 1955, vol 45, no 8, pp 1022-8. Your Health 29

156, Miller, F J W, "The Local Health Services and the Medical and Social Aspects of Prematurity", Medical Officer, Aug 1955, vol 94, no 8, pp 95-8. Your Health 30

157, Borgono, J M, Cantuaris, R and Perez Corey, R F, "Brote epidemico de tifoidea en la Hacienda el Principal de la Comina de Pirque" (Shortbreak of typhoid fever in the district "El Principal" of the Commune of Pirque). Rev. Chilena Hig. y Med. Preventiva, Jun 1953, vol 15, nos. 1/2, pp 15-19. Your Health 31

158, Cervantes, M, "Tifoidea en la base naval de Talcahuano" (Typhoid fever in the Naval Base at Talcahuano) Rev. Chilena Hig. y Med. Preventiva, Jun 1953, vol 15, nos. 1/2, pp 21-4. Your Health 32

159, Cifuentes, O, "Etapas del proceso sanitario chileno I. La Sanidad en 1946-50" (Steps in the development towards health of Chile. I. Health in 1946-50) Rev. Chilena Hig. y Med. Preventiva, Jun 1953, vol 15, nos. 1/2, pp 25-37. Your Health 33

160, Depto de Hig u Seguridad Industrial, Servico Nacional de Salubridad, Santiago, Chile "Condiciones sanitarias de una muestra representativa de la industria chilena" (Health Conditions in a representative sample of industrial Chile) Rev. Chilena Hig. y Med. Preventiva, Jun 1953, vol 15, nos. 3/4, pp 109-26. Your Health 34



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