Letters from Burroughs Wellcome & Co

Part of:
Wellcome Foundation Ltd
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


The file contains:
letter from Edward Linstead (4 August, 1921, Snow Hill Buildings, London), enclosing numerous press cuttings "from outside America" on the presentation of the Gold Medal from Henry Wellcome;
letter from Burroughs Wellcome & Co (13 August, 1921, New York), enclosing a newspaper cutting that "came under Mr Wellcome's notice" - "Taraktogenos Tree to be Grown in US for Leprosy Oil" (New York Tribune, 31 July, 1921);
letter from T A Henry (15 November, 1926, Snow Hill, London), thanking for receipt of paper on "The non-volatile constituents of the cotton plant";
letter from T A Henry (7 February, 1927, Snow Hill, London) - "could not see any way of completing your work on chaulmoogra oil ... glad to know you have been able to arrange for the investigation to be conducted in the Bureau of Chemistry ... have destroyed your notes as requested".



Physical description

1 file

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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