Galton's Notes and Drafts on Eugenics

Part of:
Galton Papers
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Galton's manuscript notes and draft articles on eugenics. The following headings appear in the notes: Purity of breed; the money worth to the state of an infant male child of selected parents; picked couples; eugenic [administration?], a forecast; worth defined by class place; worth estimated either by class place or by scale value and their mutual convertibility."

The drafts were found within a cover annotated by Karl Pearson "Some notes of value here, might be published in Annals of Eugenics, Sept 26 1929". The cover is also annotated with what appear to be titles from the drafts: "(1) Money worth to the state of an infant male child of selected parents. (2) Worth estimated by either Class Place or by Scale Value. (3) (a) Mendelian 1909 [struck through]. (b) Measurement of Peoples."



Physical description

18 folios

Terms of use

The papers are available at UCL Special Collections and Archives subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.

Location of duplicates

A digitised copy is held by the Wellcome Library as part of Codebreakers: Makers of Modern Genetics.


Where to find it

Location of original

The original material is held at UCL Special Collections. This catalogue is held by the Wellcome Library as part of Codebreakers: Makers of Modern Genetics.

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