Reference Material

Part of:
Spearman, Charles Edward (1863-1945)
  • Archives and manuscripts

Collection contents

About this work


This series comprises 24 files of article or book extracts, quotations, notes and figures, arranged in alphabetical order by authors and terms. They cover all Spearman's fields of psychological interest and study relating to intelligence, perception, cognition, sense memory and their development, testing and measuring, etc. Pyschological and philosophical concepts are covered, as are notions of understanding, assimilation, association, memory, concepts, mental fatigue, child development, intelligence development, nervous system and reasoning capabilities.

It is likely that the material was put together in the 1910s, 1920s and 1930s (possibly earlier) but articles and book extracts go back to publications from the late 19th century and some even earlier publications on philosophy and natural sciences going back to the 17th century.

Articles are in various languages including English, French, German, Italian, with the occasional extract in Latin.

They are arranged in twelve 'groups' some with a general coverage of subjects and others on specific subjects.
Vol. I cover a wide variety of Spearman's fields of psychological interest and study.
Vol.II cover a wide variety of Spearman's fields of psychological interest and study including intelligence, development of intelligence from primary school children onwards, into different professions e.g. civil servants, army, intelligence and heredity, educational measures, correlating results, vocational tests, meausring ability, learning ability and measuring learning ability, capability and mind working under pressure situations.
Vol. III relate to the concept of Unity
Vol. IV relate to attention span and measuring it, its nature, limits and capabilities, cognitive energy, mental concentration
Vol. V relate to acts and contents of consciousness in psychological terms
Vol. VI relate to imagery, images and thought, imagination, mental thought, nature of thought, mental imagery
Vol VII relate to the nature of attention and attention processes
Vol. VIII relate to pyschology in general, intellect etc.
Vol. IX relate to mind training, learning, adapatibility.
Vol. X relate to conation - motive force, volition, driving force, the will
Vol. XI relate to the doctrine or theory of Gestalt
Vol. XII relate to psychopathology, mental illness, mental disease, mental disorders, insanity, mental examination



Physical description

24 files

Acquisition note

Deposited in the library at Wellcome Collection by the British Psychological Society in September 2008.


Compiled by the Cataloguing Project Archivist at the British Psychological Society History of Psychology Centre, with minor editing by Wellcome staff.

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