T series: T935; T937; T939; T941; T947; T962-T965; T951; T969-T970; T973-T974; T980; T983
- Date:
- 1966-1967
- Reference:
- SA/TIH/B/1/2/20
- Part of:
- Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
- Archives and manuscripts
Collection contents
About this work
T.935: William G. Hunter, J. R. Kittrell, "Copy of an article in Technometrics, Vol.8, No. 3. August 1996, Evolutionary Operation: a Review".
T937: "International Study of the Main Trends of Research in the Sciences of Man, draft of a chapter on problems of organisation in the Social Sciences".
T939: Rhona Rapoport, Robert Rapoport, Janet Philps, "Some Social Psychological Research Issues in the Study of Highly Qualified Women's Careers".
T941: Hans van Beinum, "Some Observations on the Use of Social Science in Industry".
T947: T947: "Shell Refining Company: Statement of Objectives and Philosophies".
T951: G. V. Gwynne and E. J. Miller, "Ministry of Health Disabled Project, Le Court: Working Note No. 1".
T962: Alan Trist, Simon Baddeley, Michael Foster, "Lyons Tea Division: Packing Department, Preliminary Analysis of Labour Turnover and Retention".
T963: Alan Trist, "The Analysis of Labour Turnover at Lyons, Proposed scheme for the continued monitoring of labour movements at Lyons by the Personnel Department".
T964: Hans van Beinum, "Proposal for International Workshop on Socio-Technical Systems".
T965: "Trial Measurement of Hospital Catering System Performance".
File 2 of 2:
T969: Linda Hilgendorf, Barry Irving, "Usefulness of McQuitty Hierarchical Linkage Analysis".
T970: Ian M. Ross, "The Need for a General Study of Systems, a draft note".
T973: Alan Trist, "McQuitty's Linkage Analysis: its use in the analysis of some of the Shannon project data referring to socio-technical systems"
T974: R. T. Martin, "Lyons Maid Ice-Cream: a preliminary study of children's interests and behaviour influencing ice-cream/lolly preferences and consumption".
T980: Leo F. Smyth, Per H. Engelstad, Hans van Beinum, "Report on the Pilot Study in the Crude Distilling Unit No. 2 at Stanlow Refinery".
T983: "A Proposal for Programmatic Research".
Physical description
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Location Status Access Closed stores