IOR records: 816-835
- Date:
- 1974-1975
- Reference:
- SA/TIH/B/1/6/33
- Part of:
- Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
IOR 816: C. Wiseman, "Use of Government Scientists: Target Staffing Study at the Fisheries Laboratory".
IOR 817: John Pollard, "Use of Government Scientists: Target Staffing Study at the Laboratory of the Government Chemist".
IOR 818: John Pollard, "Use of Government Scientists: Target Staffing Study at Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment".
IOR 819: John Friend, Allen Hickling, Alan Sutton, "Analysis of Options in Structure Plan Preparation".
IOR 820: "Accomodation Need and Residential Homes".
IOR 821: John Friend, "Energy, Environment and Society: An Approach Through the Concept of the Decision Network".
IOR 822: John Luckman and David Millen, "120-Bed Clinical Nursing Unit Research Project: Progressive Patient Care - Effectiveness of Nursing Deployment".
IOR 823: John Luckman, "120-Bed Clinical Nursing Unit Research Project: Measurement of Nursing Workload: Adjustment of Time Values".
IOR 824: John Luckman and David Millen, "120-Bed Clinical Nursing Unit Research Project: Progressive Patient Care: Movement of Patients".
File 2 of 2:
IOR 825: R. Harris, M.E. Norris, B.R. Quarterman, "Care of the Elderly: The structure of the group model flow".
IOR 826: R. Harris, M.E. Norris, B.R. Quarterman, "Care of the Elderly: Operating instructions for the group flow model program".
IOR 827: R. Harris, M.E. Norris, B.R. Quarterman, "Care of the Elderly: Group flow model - program details".
IOR 828: "Appendix I: Central Planning Processes, the SHHD Perspective".
IOR 829: P.J. Farmer, H.C. Wiseman, "The Role of the Planning Unit - 'Co-ordination and Anticipation'".
IOR 830: "Programme of Studies in Health Planning: Second Progress Paper for Steering Group Meeting on 19th December, 1974".
IOR 831A: "120-Bed Clinical Nursing Unit Research Project: Practical measurement of Nursing Workload - General Medicine Southampton".
IOR 832: E. Gregory and R. Harris, "Care of the Elderly: "Detailed Description of the Estimation and Projection of Numbers of Elderly by Social Independence Sites".
IOR 833: "120-Bed Clinical Nursing Unit Research Project: Nursing Workload Categories".
IOR 834: "P.M. Abel, P.J. Farmer, P.J. Shipp, M.H.S. Hunter, "The Movements of Hospital Nursing Staff in Scotland".
IOR 835: M.E. Norris, B. R. Quarterman, C.J.L. Yewlett, "The Pilot Trials for the Martin Committee".
Physical description
Where to find it
Location Status Access Closed stores