Fluoridation Study Group

Part of:
Society of Medical Officers of Health
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


The Group was founded in Feb 1958, after a proposal by the Dental Group was accepted by the Council of the Society. It was formed to provide expert information on matters relating to fluoridation and was under the control of the Society. The first convenor was Mr J F A Smyth, then president of the Dental Group. (See Public Health Vol 73 No 3 Dec 1958 p113). It was composed of representatives from each Group and external organisations including the Ministries of Health and Education, CCHE and General Dental Council. Prior to reorganisation of the Society in 1974 its external members comprised: three from the DHSS, one from the Scottish Home and Health Department and one from the Department of Health, Eire, two from the British Waterworks Association, one from the Fluoridation Society (formed 1969), one from the BMA, and five co-opted members with specialist knowledge in fluoridation. The Group continued to meet after the re-organisation of the Society although the decline in its activity led to its existence being called into question in the late 1970s. Changes were made to its constitution during this period which reduced the Society's representation while maintaining the original connection (see P.5/25 & 27). In Oct 1982 the Council and AGM of the Society agreed to the dissolution of the Group. The following year it became a corporate member of the re-established Fluoridation Society which had become the chief organisation devoted to the promotion of water fluoridation.

This section comprises papers deposited in 1982 and 1999 by the Group's last Secretary.



Physical description

9 boxes


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