Albuminuria in Health, Rheumatic albuminuria, etc 1900

Part of:
Parkes Weber, Frederick (1863-1962)
  • Archives and manuscripts

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About this work


Rheumatic and gouty albuminuria. Albuminuria and nucleoalbuminuria in apparently healthy persons. various questions regarding nephritis and various tests of mucin, nuclein etc. Some notes and cuttings on nucleoalbuminuria. Supposed cases of 'fibrinuria' and occasional honey-like consistency of urine, with extremely high percentage of albumen. Massive albuminuria with meningeal haemorrhage. Oliguria of various kinds and various significance. Urinary reactions of more or less unknown significance, eg, in workers in the 'chambre chaude'. Vide also my collections: Albuminuria and assurance First series 1906. Albuminuria and assurance 2nd series. Glycosuria and Urine-testing and Life Assurance



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