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  • Maud Temple, a bearded woman at Pickard's Waxwork exhibition, Glasgow. Process print, ca. 1910.
  • Maud Temple, a bearded woman at Pickard's Waxwork exhibition, Glasgow. Process print, ca. 1910.
  • [Undated handbill (August 1885?) advertising Howard's Grand Pavilion of Living Wonders waxwork and fine art gallery (at the Mitcham Fair?),  featuring Madame Howard, the African lion-faced lady. She appears to have been a black woman with a beard].
  • Open for a few days only : Two grand exhibitions. Madame Hojos has the honour of announcing to the ladies and gentlemen of Wakefield, and its vicinity, she has just arrived from Spain, with a  splendid cabinet of ancient & modern wax figures, ... the first and principal group represents the history of Samson ... in addition to the collection of wax figures, the exhibition of the rare Portuguese Dwarf alive, Joseph Cardoso Pereira.
  • Signor Sarti's celebrated Florentine anatomical Venus : together with numerous smaller models of speical interest to ladies, showing the marvellous mechanism of the human body.
  • Signor Sarti's celebrated Florentine anatomical Venus : together with numerous smaller models of speical interest to ladies, showing the marvellous mechanism of the human body.
  • Signor Sarti's celebrated Florentine anatomical Venus : together with numerous smaller models of speical interest to ladies, showing the marvellous mechanism of the human body.
  • Crusade against sexually transmitted disease by visiting the Museo Roca in Spain. Colour lithograph by Museo Roca, 193- (?).
  • Wonderland Whitechapel Road (next St. Mary's Station) ... Whit Monday May 25th and during the week : Great attractions entire change ... Rabbi Joselman ... Mr. A. Broadhurst the surprise of the Chicago exhibition, with a beard over 7 feet long and a moustache 3 feet in length : Wonderful living freak of nature, the armless Midget Lady stands only 32 inches in height, born without hands or arms, and goes through a marvellous performance with her feet ...
  • Wonderland Whitechapel Road (next St. Mary's Station) ... Whit Monday May 25th and during the week : Great attractions entire change ... Rabbi Joselman ... Mr. A. Broadhurst the surprise of the Chicago exhibition, with a beard over 7 feet long and a moustache 3 feet in length : Wonderful living freak of nature, the armless Midget Lady stands only 32 inches in height, born without hands or arms, and goes through a marvellous performance with her feet ...