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  • A child receiving vitamin A to promote National programme of nutrition in Congo in 2003. Colour lithograph for Ministère de la Santé Programme National de Nutrition.
  • Vitamin C, also known as a ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it is excreated by the body and needs to be replaced in our diet. Unlike most mammals, humans do not have the ability to make their own vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency can lead to scurvy.
  • The Nutri Centre : specialists in vitamin & nutritional supplements : a most comprehensive selection under one roof (all products available  by mail order).
  • The Nutri Centre : specialists in vitamin & nutritional supplements : a most comprehensive selection under one roof (all products available  by mail order).
  • The Nutri Centre : specialists in vitamin & nutritional supplements : a most comprehensive selection under one roof (all products available  by mail order).
  • The Nutri Centre : specialists in vitamin & nutritional supplements : a most comprehensive selection under one roof (all products available  by mail order).
  • Sources of vitamins and minerals for children and adults: (a) carrots and apples, (b) citrus fruits, (c) brassicas and pulses. Colour lithograph, 1966.
  • An infant swallowing a spoonful of Sanostol food supplement. Colour lithograph by E.B., 195-.
  • Vegetables and citrus fruits represented as reducing the risk of cancer. Colour lithograph for the Nederlandse Kankerbestrijding/KWF, 2001.
  • Company background / Pro-Fibe Nutrition Ltd.