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  • Leaf, Turkey Oak (Quercus cerris)
  • Rheum palmatum (Chinese or Turkey rhubarb).
  • Turkey's terrific for paella / Health Education Authority.
  • Turkey's terrific for paella / Health Education Authority.
  • Turkey's terrific for healthy eating : nutritious, economical, delicious, versatile / British Turkey Information Service, Health Education Authority supported by the Department of Health.
  • Scutari Barracks, Turkey: Soyer's hospital kitchen. Wood engraving.
  • Aya Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey. Photograph by Guillaume Berggren, ca. 1880.
  • The Galata Tower, Istanbul, Turkey. Photograph by Guillaume Berggren, ca. 1880.
  • Crimean War: interior of the Barrack hospital, Scutari, Turkey. Wood engraving.
  • Crimean War: interior of the Barrack hospital, Scutari, Turkey. Wood engraving.