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  • Tobacco: chemicals contained in its smoke and their effects on human health, especially the heart. Colour lithograph, 197- (?).
  • Tobacco: an Irishman, a Scot and an English sailor smoke, take snuff and chew respectively. Coloured aquatint by Hunt, c. 1833, after W. Summers after C. J. Grant.
  • Tobacco: an Irishman, a Scot and an English sailor smoke, take snuff and chew respectively. Coloured aquatint by Hunt, c. 1833, after W. Summers after C. J. Grant.
  • A man holding a tobacco pipe and blowing a smoke ring. Mezzotint by A. Blooteling (Bloteling) after P. Staverenus.
  • A man looking out of a window, holding a pipe, exhaling tobacco smoke. Etching by D. Deuchar after A. van Ostade (?).
  • A man blowing out clouds of smoke from a long pipe, with a tobacco plant to his right. Halftone, c. 1890, after a woodcut, c. 1616.
  • Two monkeys in feathered caps smoking tobacco. Engraving after D. Teniers.
  • An African chief smoking a very elaborately carved tobacco-pipe. Process print.
  • A Scotsman and a Native American man smoking pipes by barrels of tobacco. Coloured engraving.
  • Smoking tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.): flowering and fruiting stem. Coloured etching by M. Bouchard, 1772.