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  • Positive Youth : support, social, advice.
  • Two HIV positive women look over their shoulders to suggest their social isolation while below the same women look forwards to reflect a more positive attitude; an advertisement for the support services offered for HIV positive women by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Lauterbach and Boek.
  • Dear Ms. Pauncefoot : I am enclosing a copy of our letter to Mr. Fowler, Secretary of State for Social Services. Mrs. Valerie Stead, our Assistant Director, felt it appropriate that we should lend our support to your campaign for condoms to be made freely available as a protective device against AIDS ... / Joan Beech, Student Counsellor.
  • An information leaflet printed on four sides featuring a man in a denim shirt on the front and inner pages with a warning about the dangers of sharing needles and contracting AIDS; an advertisement by Luc Bils of the Coordination Committee on Alcohol and Other Drugs (French Community) with the support of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Colour lithograph by Forum, ca. 1988.
  • An information leaflet printed on four sides featuring a man in a denim shirt on the front and inner pages with a warning about the dangers of sharing needles and contracting AIDS; an advertisement by Luc Bils of the Coordination Committee on Alcohol and Other Drugs (French Community) with the support of the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Colour lithograph by Forum, ca. 1988.
  • The word 'yes' in French, Italian, English, Spanish, German and Arabic with the message in French: "Condoms. Today, everyone says yes!"; advertisement by the Ministère des Affaires Sociales de la Santé et de la ville with support from the Agence française de lutte contre le SIDA and Tourisme France. Colour lithograph by Institutionnel Design.
  • Devenez volontaire! Devenez donateur! Rejoignez Basiliade : parce que le sida n'a pas dit ses derniers maux... / Basiliade.
  • Devenez volontaire! Devenez donateur! Rejoignez Basiliade : parce que le sida n'a pas dit ses derniers maux... / Basiliade.
  • Gay, bisexual, unsure, lesbian : need someone to talk to? / Metro Centre.
  • Youth groups : for lesbian, gay and bisexual young people aged 25 and under / Metro.