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  • William Davies and his wife, in profile. Silhouettes, ca. 1800(?).
  • Plate illustrating the process of making silhouettes.
  • The temptation of Saint Antony. Lithograph silhouettes.
  • Silhouettes of a family of five: family planning in Sudan. Colour lithograph by Sudan Family Planning Association, ca. 2000.
  • Heads of eleven members of the Lister family. Photographs of silhouettes.
  • Heads of eleven members of the Lister family. Photographs of silhouettes.
  • Heads of eleven members of the Lister family. Photographs of silhouettes.
  • William Burke (centre), Dr Alexander Monro III (top left), William Robertson (top right), Thomas Beveridge (lower left), Dr Robert Knox (lower right) Silhouettes, c. 1830.
  • Coloured human silhouettes on a black ground. Colour lithograph after J. Stiegele, ca. 1995.
  • Silhouettes of people with hearts walking representing an advertisement for the AIDS Walk for Life in Edmonton Canada, Sunday Oct 4 1992. Colour lithograph after Keith Haring.