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  • Caution against sexually transmitted disease. Colour lithograph after A. Games, 1941.
  • A man trapped in the letters VD (venereal disease), representing untreated sexually transmitted diseases. Colour lithograph, 195- (?).
  • Crusade against sexually transmitted disease by visiting the Museo Roca in Spain. Colour lithograph by Museo Roca, 193- (?).
  • An American soldier sweating with fear about contracting a sexually transmitted disease; warning American servicemen to use condoms. Colour lithograph, 194-.
  • A soldier eyes a prostitute; the same soldier later suffers from syphilis or another sexually transmitted disease. Colour lithograph by Blas, 1936/1939.
  • A soldier who has caught a sexually transmitted disease while on furlough sits on his bed in the barracks obsessed with his disease. Colour lithograph by Ferree, ca. 1944.
  • An American man in despair at the thought of infecting his wife and child with a sexually transmitted disease. Colour lithograph, ca. 1944.
  • A man approaching a woman in the street, with a warning against the danger of sexually transmitted disease due to sex with unfamiliar partners. Colour lithograph attributed to G.C. Schulz, ca. 1947.
  • A young man and woman sitting together on a park bench, with a warning against the danger of sexually transmitted disease due to sex with unfamiliar partners. Colour lithograph by G.C. Schulz, ca. 1946.
  • The black silhouettes of men and women with arrows and the message that AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease so stick to one partner and use condoms; a safe-sex and AIDS prevention advertisement by the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Seychelles. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.