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  • Food safety measures for eggs and foods containing eggs / Food Safety Unit, Division of Food and Nutrition, World Health Organization.
  • Food safety measures for eggs and foods containing eggs / Food Safety Unit, Division of Food and Nutrition, World Health Organization.
  • Food safety measures for eggs and foods containing eggs / Food Safety Unit, Division of Food and Nutrition, World Health Organization.
  • Pesticides and veterinary medicines : reporting incidents : guidance for the general public / Health and Safety Executive.
  • Pesticides and veterinary medicines : reporting incidents : guidance for the general public / Health and Safety Executive.
  • Pesticides and veterinary medicines : reporting incidents : guidance for the general public / Health and Safety Executive.
  • Robespierre lying on a wooden bench being interrogated by the Committee of Public Safety. Wood engraving.
  • Engineering: a safety valve. Coloured drawing, 1845.
  • Road safety in Djibouti. Colour lithograph, ca. 2000.
  • A boy carries a girl to safety. Coloured lithograph.