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  • Differentiation in rheumatic diseases (so-called) / by Hugh Lane.
  • A man representing the remedy Finidol rescues another man from the clutches of an octopus whose tentacles represent rheumatic and arthritic diseases. Colour lithograph after René Vincent.
  • A man representing the remedy Finidol rescues another man from the clutches of an octopus whose tentacles represent rheumatic and arthritic diseases. Colour lithograph after René Vincent.
  • An old man in night-clothes holding up a box of "Uricure" pills as an advertisement for their efficacy against rheumatic diseases. Coloured lithograph by L. Cappiello, ca. 1910.
  • An old man in night-clothes holding up a box of "Uricure" pills as an advertisement for their efficacy against rheumatic diseases. Coloured lithograph by L. Cappiello, ca. 1910.
  • Rheumatic mitral valve disease
  • These pages show the first description of Schonleins disease - Peliosis rheumatica.
  • Gout, rheumatism, couty eczema, liver and kidney diseases are caused by the presence of uric acid in the blood : Kruschen Salts.
  • Gout, rheumatism, couty eczema, liver and kidney diseases are caused by the presence of uric acid in the blood : Kruschen Salts.
  • All who suffer from rheumatism, gout, sciatica, lumbago, torpid liver, indigestion ... or any form of disease or weakness should avoid poisonous drugs, quack medicines ... and try the marvellous curative efficacity of Mr. C.B. Harness' world-famed bona-fide "Electropathic" belt / the Electropathic & Zander Institute.