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  • Recherches sur les substances radioactives / par mme. Sklodowska Curie.
  • Hygiene measures in civil defence against radioactive, chemical and biological warfare. Colour lithograph, ca. 1984.
  • DNA sequencing. This method of DNA sequencing is called di-deoxy sequencing. It is used to determine the order of bases (A,C,G and T) in a piece of DNA using radioactively-labelled modified nucleotides. They are then separated by electrophoresis in a polyacrylamide gel and detected on x-ray film by a process called autoradiography.
  • Traité de radioactivité / par Madame P. Curie.
  • Recherches sur une propriété nouvelle de la matière : activité radiante spontanée ou radioactivité de la matiére / par Henri Becquerel.
  • Radium.
  • Radium.
  • Radium.
  • Radium.
  • Radium.