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  • God, aided by an angel, a serpent and Death, inflicts calamitous weather upon the Israelites. Engraving by A. Mochetti after G. della Valle.
  • Christ presented to the people. Etching with engraving by Jacques Callot.
  • Gods watch from the heavens as the Flood engulfs the terrified people. Etching.
  • Four faces of the damned in Dante's Hell. Drawing, c. 1791.
  • The naked are led to hell on the day of judgement. Etching.
  • Zacharias (father of John the Baptist), struck dumb, writes that his son should be known as John. Etching by C. Tinti, 1771, after A. del Sarto.
  • Christ beaten and mocked before the High Priest Caiaphas. Etching by Jacques Callot.
  • A star falls into the pit of hell as locusts torture those unelected to heaven. Woodcut, c. 16th century.
  • The damned writhe in boiling cauldrons; representing hell. Woodcut.
  • Sins and subsequent punishment in Hell. Chromolithograph.