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  • Mother Shipton's life & prophecies.
  • The Pythia of Delphi (Delphic oracle), in her temple, giving prophecies to people. Etching by M. Dasio, 1901.
  • The child Samuel is laid down to sleep and the hushed priests await his prophecies; the elaborate surrounding panel is decorated with florid demons. Engraving.
  • The prophecy of Masuka: an African medicine man or shaman of the Nkose watching the future in a bowl. Painting by Stanley Wood, 1894.
  • The prophet Elisha, inspired by the music of a minstrel, tells the kings of Israel, Judah and Edom that their lands will be irrigated without the aid of rain or wind. Engraving after Jan van der Straet.
  • Lightning pierces through the clouds, heralding the coming of Christ. Engraving by J. Barlow, 1813, after W.M. Craig.
  • Two angels blowing trumpets, about to cause disaster at the Apocalypse. Woodcut, c. 16th century.
  • King Ahaziah lies sick after having fallen through an upper window: Elijah foretells his death. Drawing by H.P. Bone.
  • An old prophet denounces the proceedings at a lavish sacrifice given by the wayward king Jeroboam. Engraving.
  • Ezekiel has a vision of angels and spheres with eyes coasting along the thunderstruck sea. Etching by R. Pranker, 176-, after B. Picart.