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  • Lipstick kiss marks scattered on a light background; representing promiscuity as a risk-factor for AIDS. Colour lithograph after V. Kozlík, 1989.
  • Arrows forming the word "AIDS" piercing hearts with the word Stop on top; representing the danger of promiscuity in spreading AIDS. Colour lithograph after J. Chadima, 1990 (?).
  • Top: Chinese men seeking alms by threatening to kill themselves by self-mutilation, one (left) kneeling to hit his head against a rock, and the other (right) with burning herbs on his head; below, a monk being whipped as a punishment for promiscuity. Engraving by C. Du Bosc after B. Picart after J. Nieuhof.
  • A promiscuous woman dressed in red with a map of the Americas behind her; warning American servicemen against sexually transmitted diseases. Colour lithograph after F. Williams, 194-.
  • The efficacy and extent of true purgation : shewing, I. what this operation is; not as vulgarly understood. II. how performed in human body. III. by what means fitly to be done. IV. when; how oft; and in what cases to be used ... distinguished from promiscuous evacuations; iujuriously [sic] procured, and falsly reputed purging / by Everard Maynwaring.
  • New experiments and observations touching cold or, An experimental history of cold, begun. To which are added an Examen of antiperistasis, and an Examen of Mr. Hobs's doctrine about cold ... Whereunto is annexed an account of freezing, brought in to the Royal Society / by ... Dr. C. Merret. Together with an appendix containing some promiscuous experiments and observations relating to the precedent history of cold. By the Honourable Robert Boyle.
  • New experiments and observations touching cold or, An experimental history of cold, begun. To which are added an Examen of antiperistasis, and an Examen of Mr. Hobs's doctrine about cold ... Whereunto is annexed an account of freezing, brought in to the Royal Society / by ... Dr. C. Merret. Together with an appendix containing some promiscuous experiments and observations relating to the precedent history of cold. By the Honourable Robert Boyle.
  • AIDS and God and you / Catholic AIDS Link.
  • AIDS and God and you / Catholic AIDS Link.
  • AIDS and God and you / Catholic AIDS Link.