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  • Can you tell if someone is HIV positive? : The answer is no : HIV testing should be part of your sexual health check : quick and confidential : HIV tests at the RHIVA clinic - results in 20 minutes / RHIVA clinic, Lewisham Primary Care Trust, NHS.
  • Can you tell if someone is HIV positive? : The answer is no : HIV testing should be part of your sexual health check : quick and confidential : HIV tests at the RHIVA clinic - results in 20 minutes / RHIVA clinic, Lewisham Primary Care Trust, NHS.
  • Guide for reporting suspected cases of measles in Kenya. Colour lithograph by Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation, ca. 2000.
  • A drug-user with his wife and children explaining how his love for his family motivates him to use a condom; a safe-sex advertisement to prevent AIDS by the NACO in collaboration with WHO. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.