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  • Kowloon, Hong Kong: five pirates awaiting beheading, while Chinese soldiers and dignitaries line up behind. Photograph, 1891.
  • Women on an island in the Strait of Magellan resisting capture or death at the hands of Dutch pirates under Olivier van Noort, 1598. Engraving by T. Bonnor, 1768.
  • An angler pulls in a raft on which Russian pirates are tied to a gibbet with hooks piercing into their flesh. Engraving by T. Wallis after W.M. Craig, 1805.
  • The pirate Storzenbecher (Störtebeker). Drawing, c. 1789, after D. Hopfer.
  • A boy and his cat are on a pirate ship. Coloured lithograph.
  • Three children standing in a street wearing the costumes of a witch, a lion and a pirate; an advertisement about the AIDS Forum Berlin e.V. supporting children and their families affected by AIDS and HIV. Photocopy.
  • Canton, China: six men suspended by the neck in locked cages in public as a method of slow torture and execution for piracy. Photograph, 18--.
  • Bacchus captured by sailors transforms them into dolphins. Engraving by J. Matham after D. Vinckeboons..
  • Two men wearing turbans standing in a harbour converse with a sailor while sailors and captives are seated on the ground. Etching by M. Schaep, 1649, after C. de Wael.
  • Parga, Albania (subsequently Greece): the castle, part of the town and the sea seen from the coast road. Colour lithograph after G.D. Beresford, 1855.
