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  • A dandified physician takes the lancet to a turkey, watched over by fashionable women. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • A dandified physician takes the lancet to a turkey, watched over by fashionable women. Coloured etching, c. 1800.
  • Four types of physician using their qualifications to take advantage of their women patients or of the public. Coloured lithographs, ca. 1852.
  • Four types of physician using their qualifications to take advantage of their women patients or of the public. Coloured lithographs, ca. 1852.
  • Polygonum bistorta L. Polygonaceae Bistort, snakeweed, Easter Ledges. Distribution: Europe, N & W Asia. Culpeper: “... taken inwardly resist pestilence and poison, helps ruptures, and bruises, stays fluxes, vomiting and immoderate flowing of the terms in women, helps inflammations and soreness of the mouth, and fastens loose teeth, being bruised and boiled in white wine and the mouth washed with it.” In modern herbal medicine it is still used for a similar wide variety of internal conditions, but it can also be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. The use to relieve toothache, applied as a paste to the affected tooth, seems to have been widespread. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • A physician sitting before a table, holding a urine flask, with two women, a boy and several other figures in the room. Oil painting by Gerard Thomas.
  • A physician sitting before a table, holding a urine flask, with two women, a boy and several other figures in the room. Oil painting by Gerard Thomas.
  • A physician sitting before a table, holding a urine flask, with two women, a boy and several other figures in the room. Oil painting by Gerard Thomas.
  • A physician sitting before a table, holding a urine flask, with two women, a boy and several other figures in the room. Oil painting by Gerard Thomas.
  • A physician sitting before a table, holding a urine flask, with two women, a boy and several other figures in the room. Oil painting by Gerard Thomas.