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  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - 'Cheek ulcer'
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - Sabre scrofula
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - 'White patch' rash
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: The chest/breasts - Breast abscess
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: 'Stinking snail' sore
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - 'Beehive' abscess
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - Boil on cheekbone
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - Miliaria (peilei)
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - Freckles (lentigo)
  • Chinese C18 woodcut: External medicine - Vitiligo