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  • A woman holding a cup of mineral water from Marienbad; advertising the waters of Marienbad. Colour lithograph after H.V. Rosol, 1958.
  • Established 1831 : P. L. Cusachs, chemist and druggist, importer of perfumery, sponges, soaps and brushes, mineral waters, vichy, kissingen, soda and mead on draught.
  • Established 1831 : P. L. Cusachs, chemist and druggist, importer of perfumery, sponges, soaps and brushes, mineral waters, vichy, kissingen, soda and mead on draught.
  • Observations on a tour through the Highlands and part of the Western Isles of Scotland ... to which are added a description ... of the country round Moffat, and an analysis of its mineral waters / [Thomas Garnett].
  • A brief account of some travels in Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli, as also some observations on the gold, silver, copper, quick-silver mines, baths, and mineral waters in those parts. With the figures of some habits and remarkable places / By Edward Brown, M.D.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Description of a glass apparatus, for making in a few minutes, and at a very small expence, the best mineral waters of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, Seydschutz, Aix-la-Chapelle, &c. Together with the description of two new eudiometers, or instruments, for ascertaining the wholesomeness of respirable air, and the method of using these instruments, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. J. Priestley / By J.H. de Magellan, F.R.S.
  • Description of a glass apparatus, for making in a few minutes, and at a very small expence, the best mineral waters of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, Seydschutz, Aix-la-Chapelle, &c. Together with the description of two new eudiometers, or instruments, for ascertaining the wholesomeness of respirable air, and the method of using these instruments, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. J. Priestley / By J.H. de Magellan, F.R.S.