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121 results
  • A woman holding a cup of mineral water from Marienbad; advertising the waters of Marienbad. Colour lithograph after H.V. Rosol, 1958.
  • Established 1831 : P. L. Cusachs, chemist and druggist, importer of perfumery, sponges, soaps and brushes, mineral waters, vichy, kissingen, soda and mead on draught.
  • Established 1831 : P. L. Cusachs, chemist and druggist, importer of perfumery, sponges, soaps and brushes, mineral waters, vichy, kissingen, soda and mead on draught.
  • Observations on a tour through the Highlands and part of the Western Isles of Scotland ... to which are added a description ... of the country round Moffat, and an analysis of its mineral waters / [Thomas Garnett].
  • A brief account of some travels in Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli, as also some observations on the gold, silver, copper, quick-silver mines, baths, and mineral waters in those parts. With the figures of some habits and remarkable places / By Edward Brown, M.D.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Medical cautions : chiefly for the consideration of invalids. Containing essays on fashionable diseases, the dangerous effects of hot and crouded rooms, an enquiry into the use of medicine during a course of mineral waters, on quacks, and quack medicine, and lady doctors. And an essay on regimen, very much enlarged ... / By James Makittrick Adair.
  • Description of a glass apparatus, for making in a few minutes, and at a very small expence, the best mineral waters of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, Seydschutz, Aix-la-Chapelle, &c. Together with the description of two new eudiometers, or instruments, for ascertaining the wholesomeness of respirable air, and the method of using these instruments, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. J. Priestley / By J.H. de Magellan, F.R.S.
  • Description of a glass apparatus, for making in a few minutes, and at a very small expence, the best mineral waters of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, Seydschutz, Aix-la-Chapelle, &c. Together with the description of two new eudiometers, or instruments, for ascertaining the wholesomeness of respirable air, and the method of using these instruments, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. J. Priestley / By J.H. de Magellan, F.R.S.
  • Description of a glass apparatus, for making in a few minutes, and at a very small expence, the best mineral waters of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, Seydschutz, Aix-la-Chapelle, &c. Together with the description of two new eudiometers, or instruments, for ascertaining the wholesomeness of respirable air, and the method of using these instruments, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. J. Priestley / By J.H. de Magellan, F.R.S.
  • Tabloid mineral water salts, advertisement
  • A discourse of naturall bathes, and minerall waters. Wherein first the originall of fountaines in generall is declared. Then the nature and differences of minerals, with examples of particular bathes from most of them. Next the generation of minerals in the earth, from whence both the actuall heate of bathes, and their vertues are proved to proceede. Also by what meanes minerall waters are to be examined and discovered. And lastly, of the nature and uses of the bathes, but especially of our bathes at Bathe in Sommersetshire / [Edward Jorden].
  • A man in Spanish costume advertising Vilajuïga mineral water. Colour lithograph by L. Cappiello, ca. 1912.
  • Mineral extraction: using water to expose gold-bearing rock at the Transvaal gold fields. Wood engraving, 1889.
  • The Monthly Blotter Calendar for January 1933, showing dates for Exhibitions and England Cup: 3rd and 4th Rounds as well as advertising Arkina Mineral Water
  • A gold miner using a rock drill with a water spray in an attempt to prevent the occupational disease silicosis, caused by dust inhalation. Watercolour by Jane Jackson.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • De thermis Britannicis tractatus. Accesserunt observationes hydrostaticae, chromaticae & miscellaneae, uniuscujusque balnei apud Bathoniam naturam, proprietatem & distinctionem, curatius exhibentes / [Thomas Guidott].
  • Beulah Spa, Norwood, Surrey. Lithograph by A. Harrison after himself.
  • Gilsland Spa, Cumberland: figures drinking by the walkway. Line engraving by J. Sands after T. Allom.
  • Figures gathered at the central spring, Epetan, Java. Coloured aquatint by T. Fielding, 1817.
  • Pozzuoli, with Monte Barbaro in the distance, right. Coloured etching by Pietro Fabris, 1776.
  • Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, a treatise wherein the right way and best manner of living for attaining to a long and healthfull life, is clearly demonstrated ... Whereunto is annexed ... a treatise of the famous baths of Bathe. With a censure of the medicinall faculties of the water of St. Vincents-Rocks neer ... Bristoll. As also an accurate treatise concerning tobacco. All ... amplified / [Tobias Venner].
  • Thermarum Aquisgranensium et Porcetanarum elucidatio, et thaumaturgia. Sive admirabilis earundem natura, & admirabiliores sanationes; quas producunt in usibus balneationis potationis / [François Blondel].