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  • The Last Judgment. Coloured woodcut with letterpress, 1858.
  • The Last Judgment: the graves open and the dead emerge. Line engraving by P. de Jode the elder, 1615, after Jean Cousin the younger.
  • The last judgment (with Saint Jude?). Engraving by A. Caprioli after M. de Vos.
  • The identification of the wicked and their descent into hell. Engraving by A. Collaert.
  • God and his angels sit in judgment; they divide humanity into the elect and the damned. Mezzotint by J. Stephenson after J. Martin.
  • The Last Judgment: sinners in hell are tortured by monstrous devils as a ferry carries new arrivals to the same fate. Line engraving by Petrus de Jode the elder, 1615, after Jean Cousin the younger.
  • The Last Judgment: the world lies in ruins and sinners in hell are tortured by monstrous devils. Engraving by Petrus de Jode the elder, 1615, after Jean Cousin the younger.
  • Saint Jerome. Engraving by F. de La Mare-Richard after L. de La Hyre.
  • Saint Jerome: he hears an angel blowing the last trump. Etching by J. Ribera.
  • A skeleton is approached by an angel who blows the last trump. Etching by Louis Schiavonetti after William Blake, 1808.