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32 results
  • The Last Judgment. Coloured woodcut with letterpress, 1858.
  • The Last Judgment: the graves open and the dead emerge. Line engraving by P. de Jode the elder, 1615, after Jean Cousin the younger.
  • The last judgment (with Saint Jude?). Engraving by A. Caprioli after M. de Vos.
  • The identification of the wicked and their descent into hell. Engraving by A. Collaert.
  • God and his angels sit in judgment; they divide humanity into the elect and the damned. Mezzotint by J. Stephenson after J. Martin.
  • The Last Judgment: sinners in hell are tortured by monstrous devils as a ferry carries new arrivals to the same fate. Line engraving by Petrus de Jode the elder, 1615, after Jean Cousin the younger.
  • The Last Judgment: the world lies in ruins and sinners in hell are tortured by monstrous devils. Engraving by Petrus de Jode the elder, 1615, after Jean Cousin the younger.
  • Saint Jerome. Engraving by F. de La Mare-Richard after L. de La Hyre.
  • Saint Jerome: he hears an angel blowing the last trump. Etching by J. Ribera.
  • A skeleton is approached by an angel who blows the last trump. Etching by Louis Schiavonetti after William Blake, 1808.
  • Two angels blowing trumpets, about to cause disaster at the Apocalypse. Woodcut, c. 16th century.
  • Lightning and stars fall on the earth on the day of Judgement; the sun and the moon hang simultaneously in the sky. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • Angels blow trumpets and fire descends upon the earth. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • The four horsemen of the Apocalypse galloping through the clouds. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • A skeleton as a fashionably dressed woman. Engraving attributed to Gerhard Altzenbach, 16--.
  • Christ appears in the skies on the day of judgement. Engraving after M. Rota after Michelangelo.
  • Angels blow trumpets in heaven and fire descends on a river. Woodcut, 16th century.
  • The ages of man represented in a step scheme; with the divine judgement under the stairs. Coloured etching.
  • Three men ride through the sky on black, red and white lions (colours of the alchemical process); beneath, men lay sprawled among dismembered limbs. Coloured etching after etching, ca. 17th century.
  • Christ appears in the skies on the day of judgement. Engraving by J. Cole after M. Rota after Michelangelo.
  • The naked are led to hell on the day of judgement. Etching.
  • Saint Mary (the Blessed Virgin) and Saint Joseph with the Christ Child, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Michael the Archangel. Engraving by Annibale Carracci, 1582, after Lorenzino Sabbatini da Bologna.
  • Jesus and the apostles pass judgement on the dead, who emerge from square holes in the ground. Etching.
  • The damned writhe in boiling cauldrons; representing hell. Woodcut.
  • Christ appears to Saint John the Evangelist with eyes aflame and a sword in his mouth. Etching by P. van der Borcht.
  • An enthroned king, wearing three crowns and with a sword in his mouth, having vanquished a green seven headed hydra; an archangel with a key imprisons Lucifer in chains by a roaring fire; representing the culmination of the alchemical process and the sublimation of base matter. Coloured etching after an etching, ca. 17th century.
  • The archangel Michael, holding a flaming sword and the scales of justice; in heaven the angels kneel before Christ; representing the Day of Judgement. Woodcut.
  • Fallen angels with animalized characteristics tumble from heaven under the sword of Michael. Engraving by R. Sadeler, 1583, after M. de Vos.
  • The heavens open on the day of judgement; Christ appears above the coast of the Netherlands. Engraving, 16th century.
  • The graves open on the day of judgement; Christ, apostles and female saints look on. Engraving after M. Heemskerck, 1564.