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  • Hindu goddesses Lakshami and Saraswati playing castanets and a tambura. Watercolour drawing.
  • Figure of Saraswati, Hindu Goddess, standing on a duck
  • Rati, Hindu goddess of love, shooting arrows with her bow. Gouache painting an Indian artist.
  • Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of learning and knowledge and the wife of Brahma. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • A goat about to be beheaded as a Hindu ritual in honour of the goddess Kālī. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Dhumavati, Hindu goddess of misfortune and unpleasantness, sitting in a chariot drawn by birds before a dead body. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • A three eyed Hindu deity with four arms sitting across a goddess with four arms holding rosary beads. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Rati, Hindu goddess of love, shooting arrows with a bow while seated on a horse formed from five women. Gouache painting by an Indian artist.
  • Devi, the wife of the Hindu God Siva. Goddess has two forms, one mild and the other fierce. Here she is depicted in the form of fierce, when she is known as Durga or Kali.
  • Lakshmi sitting on a lotus being anointed by two elephants. Watercolour drawing.