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  • A putto pours a phial into a dragon's mouth, pumping a bellows with his other hand; representing the fixing of volatile matter in the alchemical process. Watercolour painting by E.A. Ibbs.
  • Helwan, Egypt; traditional ploughing with cattle. A small farmer using a wooden plough pulled by cattle. Although agricultural mechanisation accelerated during the 1980s, it remained limited. The main tasks undergoing mechanisation were ploughing, threshing, and water-pumping. Most tractors were privately owned, usually by large landowners. By 1990, however, there was a widespread private rental market and mechanical ploughing was becoming the norm. It was fairly unusual to see a field this size being hand ploughed. Photographed January 1990.
  • An American farm boy drinking unsafe water from an old water pump. Colour lithograph after Robbins, 1943.
  • An American farm boy drinking unsafe water from an old water pump. Colour lithograph after Robbins, 1943.
  • Sion College, London Wall, London: the gatehouse, with a man about to operate a pump. Engraving.
  • The water pump in Cornhill designed by Nathaniel Wright. Engraving by S. Rawle, 1800.
  • An obliging barmaid drawing beer. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1833.
  • An obliging barmaid drawing beer. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1833.
  • A boy is accused of breaking a shop window while the real culprits hide behind a water pump. Engraving by H. Lemon after W.H.Knight.
  • Broad Street (latterly Broadwick Street), Soho, with a white silhouette replica of the Broad Street pump identifed by John Snow as a source of cholera-infected water. Photograph.